ATKIS protection zone (area)
Land-related restrictions, burdens or other characteristics of an area in accordance with public or water law regulations -
ATKIS swamp (area)
A water-saturated area that is temporarily under water -
ATKIS water axis (lines)
Represents a water area that is part of the topological water network -
ALKIS Berlin Relief (edge)
Data from the official property register information system (ALKIS) - terrain edge -
Long-term precipitation distribution summer half-year 1961-1990 - isosurfaces...
Areas with the same distribution of precipitation in the summer half of the year, which were calculated from the precipitation of the years 1961-1990. For some of the stations,... -
Environmental justice: core indicator bioclimate 2011 (environmental atlas)
Assessment of the core indicator bioclimate within the model project “Environmental Justice in the State of Berlin”. -
Long-term precipitation distribution winter half-year 1991-2020 - isolines (e...
Lines of equal precipitation totals in the winter half-year (smoothed) in mm, determined from the long-term average precipitation from 1991-2020. -
ATKIS building or facility for industry and commerce (area)
Structures, facilities and equipment that primarily serve industrial and commercial purposes -
ATKIS building or facility for sports, leisure and recreation (lines)
A structure or facility in sports, leisure and recreational facilities -
ATKIS shipping traffic (area)
Comprises the structurally shaped area and the associated open space that is used exclusively or primarily for shipping traffic -
ATKIS monument protection law (area)
Restrictions, encumbrances or other properties of an area or object related to the land in accordance with public monument protection regulations -
ATKIS road traffic (area)
Includes all built-up and undeveloped areas required for the road structure and used for road traffic -
ATKIS route axis (lines)
Describes the geometry and properties of a commercial route -
Climate model Berlin: Climate analysis map 2015 - cold air impact areas in th...
Factual data and geometries of the areas exposed to cold air within residential areas in Brandenburg as part of the 2015 climate analysis map -
Criteria for assessing soil functions 2010 (environmental atlas)
Factual data on evaluation criteria of soil functions (e.g. proximity to nature, filter capacity, water supply). Spatial reference block/partial block map ISU 5 (City and... -
Long-term average air temperature 1981-2010 - road surfaces (environmental at...
Road surface allocation of annual mean temperatures, determined from the long-term annual average from 1981-2010. -
ATKIS Unland, area without vegetation (area)
An area that is not used for agricultural purposes on a long-term basis, such as rock crevices that do not protrude from the relief of the terrain, areas of sand or ice, bank...