Region (REGION - 090106) - Administrative headquarters
It identifies the Regional Administrative Headquarters, represented by punctual elements that fall within buildings including the Administrative Headquarters of the Entity. -
Canale (CANALE - 040405) - Artificial riverbed surface
Corresponds to the set of artificial river bed surfaces pertaining to the channel -
Node of the water supply network (ND_AAC - 070102)
Identify the location on the network of an artifact used for the operation of the network itself. -
Building (EDIFC - 020102) - Space occupied on the ground
Representation of the built environment (footprint) -
Network vertex (V_NETWORK - 000101)
Trigonometric vertex of geodesic network. -
Download (CV_DIS - 100303)
Area used as a landfill for waste of various kinds, including the areas occupied by the buildings, artefacts and works which form an integral part of it. -
Road service area (SV_STR - 100101)
Areas pertaining to the road service, i.e. refueling areas, rest areas, autogrills, etc… -
Mining area (CV_AES - 100302)
Areas where the land on which they stand is exploited (quarries, mines) -
Homogeneous scope for meta information (META - 000202)
Territorial area characterized by homogeneous information. -
Bridge/viaduct/overpass (PONTE - 020301)
Man-made work for connecting opposite parts of a river, lake, etc. -
Artificial riverbed (ALVEO_A - 050306) - Areas
Surface occupied by the infrastructure engraved in the ground for the flow of water of artificial watercourses. -
Transport infrastructure building (MAN_TR - 020205) - Areas
Objects generally associated with transport infrastructure (reservoir, roundabout, sidewalk, churchyard, etc.) -
Strongpoint (CAPOSD - 000102)
Stable reference point, located along a route, whose position and height have been measured.