Territorial Sea according to UNCLOS - North Sea
Territorial Sea of the Netherlands -
Environmental accounts; origin and destination, waste, 1990-2010
This table contains information about the origin and destination of waste of hazardous and non-hazardous waste. For the years 2002 to 2008 also a distinction is made between... -
Businesses; by size and legal form, SBI 2008, 2006-2010
This table contains data on the number of companies and institutions by economic activity, based on the Standard Company Classification 2008 (SBI 2008) subdivided into 21... -
Persons using care without accommodation; function and region, 2004-2014
This table shows the number and proportion of people who, in the year under review and the number of people who, on the reference date, make use of care without accommodation... -
healthcare institutions; finance, personnel, production and capacity, 2006-2012
This table contains information about the profit and loss account, balance sheet, investments, staff deployment, capacity and production of groups of companies whose main... -
Regional Forecast 2020-2050; young people, regional breakdown 2018
This table contains forecast figures on the composition of young people by gender, age and region on 1 January. In this new table, the previous forecast has been adjusted based... -
New dwellings; input price indices building costs 2010=100 2008-2018
Statistics Netherlands calculates monthly the series New dwellings; input price indices building costs to monitor the costs of new dwellings (labour and materials) in the... -
Wmo; municipal income and expenditure, municipality, 2009-2014
This table shows the income and expenditure per function (policy area) by municipality in thousands of euros and in euros per inhabitant. This table only includes positions that... -
Overweight and severe overweight in children aged 2 to 20 years
This table shows the percentage with (severe) overweight for the age group of 2 to 20 in total and by gender. The data comes from the annual health survey of Statistics... -
Motor vehicles; type, age class, 1 January, 2000-2022
This table contains key data on the vehicle fleet of passenger cars, motorcycles and commercial vehicles (by vehicle category) and by age class of the vehicle. The figures are... -
Youth care, child abuse; young people (0 to 18 years), regions; 2002-2012
This table provides information about young people aged 0 to 18 who have been registered with the Youth Care Agency or for whom the Child Abuse Advice and Reporting Center (AMK)... -
Net turnover on the labor market; AZW (narrow), 2010/2012-2016/2018
This table contains figures on the net turnover in the labor market for the narrow care and welfare sectors; this is an aggregate of all sectors in the care and welfare sector,... -
Potential cold from closed TES systems per neighborhood (GJ/ha.year)
This map is the total annual potential of cold soil storage capacity that is available via vertical heat exchangers in closed systems per hectare of land in GJ/(ha.year) -
Mobility by region by gender, motive and personal characteristics, 1985-2007
This table provides information about the extent to which Dutch people participate in traffic, broken down by region by gender, motive and personal characteristics (e.g. by... -
MBO; sector return; learning path; field of study, region 2010/'11-2018/'19
This table describes the share of senior secondary vocational education (MBO) graduates working in care and welfare and contains specific data on the learning path, field of... -
Gezondheidsgegevens GGD West-Brabant; persoonskenmerken, 2007
In deze tabel staan gezondheidsgegevens van jongeren van 12 tot 19 jaar uit de GGD West-Brabant. Deze gegevens zijn uitgesplitst naar een aantal persoonskenmerken. Bij de... -
Maand- en jaargemiddelden Wisselkoersen
Belangrijkste valuta in alfabetische volgorde zoals Amerikaanse dollar, Duitse mark, Europese Rekeneenheid enz. 1962 - 2001 (jaargemiddelden), jan 1962 - dec 2001... -
Reiniging van gebouwen; bedrijfsresultaten per omzetklasse 1996-1999
Reiniging van gebouwen (SBI 74701) Deze subklasse omvat: reinigen van interieurs van gebouwen of gedeelten daarvan; glazenwassen; schoonmaken van toiletten; brand- en roet-... -
Kosten en financiering gezondheidszorg
Kosten gezondheidszorg naar onderdeel van de zorg, wijze van financieren van de gezondheidszorg en indexcijfers belangrijke 1990 - 2000. Gewijzigd op 26 februari 2003.... -
Arbeidsdeelname; paren met of zonder kinderen 1992-2013
In deze tabel vindt u jaarcijfers over de arbeidsdeelname van paren. Er is hierbij gekeken naar het fulltime dan wel parttime werken van één of beide partners en naar de...