Foreigners 2007 - from Yugoslavia and its successor states
Persons from Yugoslavia and its successor states as a percentage of the population in 2007 at the level of traffic cells (E 11)(Monitoring Soziale Stadtentwicklung 2008) -
Children under 6 years 2008 (LOR)
Children under the age of 6 as a percentage of the population in 2008 at the level of the planning areas (E 4 - LOR)(Monitoring Social Urban Development 2009 at the LOR level) -
Foreigners 2008 (LOR) - Citizens from the new (12) EU accession countries
People from the 12 EU accession countries as a percentage of the population in 2008 at the level of the planning areas (E 16 - LOR)(Monitoring of social urban development 2009... -
Foreign recipients of subsistence benefits: change in 2007
Change in the proportion of foreign recipients of subsistence benefits in percentage points in 2007 compared to the previous year at the level of traffic cells (dynamic 5)... -
Seniors 2007
People over the age of 64 (65 and older) as a percentage of the population in 2007 at the level of traffic cells (E 4) (Social Urban Development Monitoring 2008) -
Proportion of foreigners 2008 (LOR)
Foreigners as a percentage of the population in 2008 at the level of the planning areas (E 7 - LOR)(Monitoring of social urban development 2009 at the LOR level) -
Migration balance with the surrounding area 2008 (LOR)
Migration balance with the surrounding area in % of the inhabitants in 2008 at the level of the planning areas (E 3 - LOR)(Monitoring of social urban development 2009 at the LOR... -
Long-term unemployed 2008 (LOR)
Long-term unemployed as a percentage of 15-65 year old residents in 2008 at planning area level (Status 3 - LOR) (Social Urban Development Monitoring 2009 at LOR level) -
Migration balance of Germans 2007
Migration balance of Germans as a percentage of the population in 2007 at the level of traffic cells (E 2) (Social Urban Development Monitoring 2008) -
Unemployed under 25 years of age in 2007
Unemployed under the age of 25 as a percentage of the 15-25 year old population in 2007 at the traffic cell level (Status 2)(Monitoring Soziale Stadtentwicklung 2008) -
EasyGSH-DB: Bathymetrie 2008
Definition: "Bathymetry" refers to the measurement of the topographical shape of the bottom of a body of water. The term is also often - analogous to the word "topography" -... -
EasyGSH-DB: Bathymetry isolines (1996-2016)
Data generation: The basis for bathymetric products are rasterized bathymetric models, which are created using the functional soil model, a data-based hindcast simulation model,... -
Registration of the population of harbor porpoises in the coastal sea of Lo...
Registration of the population of harbor porpoises in the coastal sea from Borkum to Cuxhaven. Two aerial surveys were carried out in spring 2008 using the line transect method.... -
EasyGSH-DB: Hydrodynamik 2008 (WFS)
The EasyGSH-DB: Hydrodynamics 2008 (WFS) feature service contains the products of the hydrodynamic analyzes from the EasyGSH-DB project. Literature: - Hagen, R., et.al., (2019),... -
Land cover 2008
Land use database for the territory of the Community of Communes of the Pays de Lunel, year 2008. It was largely produced by PIAO on the basis of a 4-level nomenclature. This... -
Land cover 2008
Land use database for the territory of the Community of Communes of the Pays de Lunel, year 2008. It was largely produced by PIAO on the basis of a 4-level nomenclature. This... -
Land cover 2008
Land use database for the territory of the Community of Communes of the Pays de Lunel, year 2008. It was largely produced by PIAO on the basis of a 4-level nomenclature. This... -
Green algae: max. Coverage rate, 2008 (MSRL:COV_OP_MAX08)
This layer depicts the maximum mapped extent of green algae in 2008 on the Lower Saxony coast. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed as... -
Seagrass: maximum degree of coverage or vegetation density, 2008 (MSRL:COV_ZS...
This layer shows the maximum growth density of seagrass for the year 2008 on the Lower Saxony coast. These are aggregated and harmonized values that were created and developed... -
Luchtfoto 2008 25cm RGB Ortho
RGB summer aerial photo of 2008 with a resolution of 25cm.