Precipitation - KNMI14 Daily precipitation sum 2085 WL
KNMI14 scenario data: 2085 WL. Gridded files of daily precipitation sum in the Netherlands measured on 294 locations of the voluntary network from 08:00-08:00 UT. -
Precipitation - 5 minute precipitation accumulations from climatological gaug...
Climatological radar rainfall dataset of 5 minute precipitation depths at a 2.4-km grid, which have been adjusted employing validated and complete rain gauge data from both KNMI... -
Precipitation - radar 5 minute full volume data Den Helder
Volume data of all radar moments (e.g. radar reflectivity, radial velocity, polarimetric variables, quality indicators) for the radar in Den Helder. Time interval is 5 minutes.... -
Precipitation - daily unvalidated precipitation sum in near real time
-PROVISONALLY UNVALIDATED DATA- Gridded files of daily unvalidated precipitation sum in the Netherlands measured on 100-300 locations of the voluntary network from 08:00-08:00... -
EURADCLIM: The European climatological gauge-adjusted radar precipitation dat...
The European climatological gauge-adjusted radar precipitation dataset, EURADCLIM, addresses the need for an accurate (sub-)daily precipitation product covering 8000000 square... -
Precipitation - 5 minute precipitation accumulations from climatological gaug...
Climatological radar rainfall dataset of 5 minute precipitation depths at a 1-km grid, which have been adjusted employing validated and complete rain gauge data from both KNMI...