Topographical Database of the Basilicata Region
Topographic database of the Basilicata Region at a scale of 1:5,000, compliant with the specifications set out in the Ministerial Decree of 10/11/2011. -
Secondary mixed road junction (GZ_VMS - 010117)
Connection node between two secondary mixed road elements. -
Galleria (GALLER - 020303)
Work of art that allows the continuity of road or railway traffic, through a mountain or other obstacle. -
Agricultural crop (CL_AGR - 060106)
Portion of territory, delimited by cultivation limits or artifacts and elements of the terrain (ditches, drains, etc…), intended for both seasonal and annual agricultural... -
Minor building (EDI_MIN - 020106)
Representation of minor buildings, such as barrack, marquee, chapel ... (dimensions on the ground) -
Artificial riverbed (ALVEO_A - 050306) - Lines
Outline of the artificial riverbed area. -
Province (PROVIN - 090105) - Administrative headquarters
Identify the Administrative Headquarters; the point that represents it falls within the building including the Administrative Headquarters of the Body. -
Road element (EL_STR - 010107)
Element of the road graph at the level of detail, corresponds in the GDF standard to the road element of the level 1 graph (element road). -
Line section of the gas distribution network (TR_GAS - 070401)
Pipeline used for the remote transportation of natural gas. The layout is derived from the systems and manholes visible on the surface, integrated with information taken from... -
Rail transport service area (SV_FER - 100102)
Areas pertaining to rail transport, intended for parking and maneuvering of vehicles, for the shelter and storage of wagons -
Hydraulic regulation work (OP_REG - 020503) - Areas
Hydrographic flows regulation and control artifacts acquired as areas. -
Water node (ND_IDR - 040403)
A water node represents: - the starting or ending point of a Water Element or a Pipeline - or the connection point of the route of two Water Elements and/or Pipelines. -
Bathymetric curve (LN_BTM - 050201)
Line, derived by interpolation of a hydrographic relief, which joins points of equal depth of the seabed with respect to a given water level (vertical datum). -
Natural stream (ASTA_F - 040404) - River bed surface
Set of riverbed surfaces, recognized as natural landforms, pertaining to the natural watercourse -
Volumetric unit (UN_VOL - 020101)
It is the elementary volume referring to a building. -
Significant locations (LOC_SG - 080101)
Punctual elements that indicate the location of places useful for orientation in the area. -
Settlement unit (PE_UINS - 100201)
Portion of urbanized/humanized territory with intended use and coherent use within it, built or unbuilt. -
Industrial building (MN_IND - 020201)
Items of various kinds ancillary to the development of industrial activities or services. -
Watercourse wet area (AB_CDA - 040101) - Areas
Area, part of an engraved river bed, with the presence of water at the time of the photorepresentation. -
Cartographic writing (SCR_CR - 080201) - Lines
Text and methods of cartographic representation. Contains geometries of the two-dimensional Line type to indicate the segment where the writing rests.