Existing master road network of the Île-de-France Region listed on the Sdrif ...
Situation2013 A selection of national and international structuring road axes was selected. There are therefore highways and national roads. Differences may appear between these... -
Elementary and nursery schools in Île-de-France
Situation 2018This layer concerns all public and private elementary and nursery schools recorded at the start of the 2018 school year. The majority of establishments are located... -
University establishments and private higher general education establishments...
Situation 2018University establishments and private higher general education establishments.Consult the metadata -
Employed active population of Île-de-France municipalities (INSEE data)
Situation 2019 Active employed since 1982. Breakdown for certain age groups of men and women.Consult the metadata -
Alternating migration of assets from Île-de-France municipalities (INSEE data)
Situation 2019 Alternating migration of assets since 1982. The data is exhaustive up to 1999 and a quarter thereafter.Consult the metadata -
Active municipal population by five-year age in the (exhaustive) census of Îl...
Situation 2019 Active municipal population by age group (5 years - 10 years) in the 2012 census (exhaustive) Consult the metadata -
Total active population (exhaustive) of the municipalities of Île-de-France (...
Situation 2019 Total assets since 1975 (exhaustive): The active population includes employed workers and the unemployed, sometimes broken down by man and woman, sometimes by... -
Number of second homes and occasional accommodation in Île-de-France municipa...
Situation 2019 Number of second homes and occasional accommodation since 1962Consult the metadata -
Schooled population aged 18-25 in the municipalities of Île-de-France (INSEE ...
2019 situation The school population aged 18 to 24, male and female population, and corresponding age group.Consult the metadata -
Surface green and wooded spaces, open or planned to be opened to the public i...
Situation2019 This database presents a state of the supply of green and wooded spaces open to the public throughout Île-de-France. It was updated using different means: survey... -
Environmental multiple exposure scores for the Île-de-France region (500m grid)
Situation 2017-2020 Environmental exposures are not uniformly distributed across the Ile-de-France region and do not affect all population categories evenly. This data layer... -
Communal division of the Île-de-France Employment Areas in 2019
The Economic Employment Training Basins (BEEF) result from the joint State-Region desire to offer a single map of employment basins in Ile-de-France. Their objective is to... -
Classified or registered historical monuments of industrial type in Île-de-Fr...
Situation2012 Classified or registered historical monuments of industrial type in Île-de-FranceConsult the metadataProperties of the DRAC the data has been downloaded from the... -
Road network in the second half of the 18th century (Hunting map) of Île-de-F...
Situation1700 This dataset represents the road network of Île-de-France around 1700. Crossed with other SIGR datasets (municipal boundaries, forest cover, etc.), this schematic... -
Agricultural areas of the Île-de-France Region registered on the CDGT of the ...
Situation2013 This layer represents the simplified agricultural areas of the Region (also refer to the implementation booklet). This data is intended in particular to meet the... -
Localized urban fronts of Île-de-France on the CDGT of Sdrif approved by decr...
Situation2013 Symbolic limit between built spaces and open spaces subject to high pressure, which represents both a contact line and a thickness. This data is intended in... -
Local Agenda 21 approach in Île-de-France (headquarters)
Situation2014 A local Agenda 21 is a participatory approach on the scale of a territory which aims to develop and bring to life an action program in favor of sustainable... -
Existing and/or planned railway stations in the Île-de-France Region located ...
Situation2013 Layer of points listing all existing and planned stopping points, selected for Sdrif 2012: railway stations, Greater Paris stations, metro stations outside Paris.... -
Transport projects in the Île-de-France region listed on the Sdrif CDGT appro...
Situation2013 This layer was created with the aim of having a single layer making it possible to map the regional public transport projects selected during the vote of the... -
Green space or leisure space projects in the Île-de-France Region registered ...
Situation2013 This data aims in particular to meet the objective of producing information with a level of precision adapted to a 1/150,000 map which must also respect the level...