Water content (pore water) in the sediment - series
The parameter “water content (pore water) in the sediment” was determined in the sediment as part of the joint federal/state measuring program for the North Sea and Baltic Sea +... -
Cadmium in dry sediment 2017
The parameter "cadmium in dry sediment" was determined in the sediment as part of the joint federal/state measuring program for the North Sea and Baltic Sea + other monitoring... -
Phenanthren (2-Methyl) im Sediment - Serie
The parameter "phenanthrene (2-methyl) in the sediment" was determined in the sediment as part of the joint federal/state measurement program for the North Sea and Baltic Sea +... -
alkanes, octacosane, aliphatic. Hydrocarbons (28 carbon atoms) in sea water -...
The parameter "alkanes, octacosan, aliphatic hydrocarbons (28 C-atoms) in seawater" was determined in seawater as part of the joint federal/state measuring program for the North... -
alkanes, eicosane, aliphatic. Hydrocarbons (20 carbon atoms) in seawater 2017
The parameter "alkanes, eicosane, aliphatic hydrocarbons (20 C-atoms) in seawater" was determined in seawater as part of the joint federal/state measuring program for the North... -
Benz(a)pyrene in sea water 2017
The parameter "Benz(a)pyrene in seawater" was determined in seawater as part of the joint federal/state measuring program for the North Sea and Baltic Sea + other monitoring... -
Fluoranthene in Seawater - Series
The parameter "fluoranthene in seawater" was determined in seawater as part of the joint federal/state measurement program for the North Sea and Baltic Sea + other monitoring... -
Benz(g,h,i)perylene in dry sediment - series
The parameter "Benz(g,h,i)perylene in dry sediment" was determined in the sediment as part of the joint federal/state measuring program for the North Sea and Baltic Sea + other... -
Nitrate (NO3-N) in sea water 2017
The parameter "nitrate (NO3-N) in seawater" was determined in seawater as part of the joint federal/state measuring program for the North Sea and Baltic Sea + other monitoring... -
Dissolved oxygen in seawater 2017
The parameter "dissolved oxygen in seawater" was determined in seawater as part of the joint federal/state measurement program for the North Sea and Baltic Sea + other... -
Mercury in Dry Sediment - Series
The parameter "mercury in dry sediment" was determined in the sediment as part of the joint federal/state measuring program for the North Sea and Baltic Sea + other monitoring... -
Gamma emitters in suspended matter in the Baltic Sea - series
Gamma emitters in suspended matter in the Baltic Sea - The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) only provides a limited selection of data on radioactivity in the North... -
Nitrite (NO2-N) in sea water 2017
The parameter "nitrite (NO2-N) in seawater" was determined in seawater as part of the joint federal/state measuring program for the North Sea and Baltic Sea + other monitoring... -
Polychlorobiphenyl #28 in dry sediment 2017
The parameter "polychlorobiphenyl No. 28 in dry sediment" was determined in the sediment as part of the joint federal/state measuring program for the North Sea and Baltic Sea +... -
Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p) in seawater 2017
The parameter "dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p) in seawater" was determined in seawater as part of the joint federal/state measuring program for the North Sea and Baltic... -
Total Alkalinity in Seawater - Series
The parameter "total alkalinity in seawater" was determined in seawater as part of the joint federal/state measuring program for the North Sea and Baltic Sea + other monitoring... -
Benz(e)pyrene in dry sediment 2017
The parameter "Benz(e)pyrene in dry sediment" was determined in the sediment as part of the joint federal/state measuring program for the North Sea and Baltic Sea + other... -
Dibenzothiophen im Sediment - Serie
The parameter "dibenzothiophene in the sediment" was determined in the sediment as part of the joint federal/state measuring program for the North Sea and Baltic Sea + other... -
Silicon in dry sediment 2017
The parameter "silicon in dry sediment" was determined in the sediment as part of the joint federal/state measuring program for the North Sea and Baltic Sea + other monitoring... -
alkanes, heptacosane, aliphatic. Hydrocarbons (27 carbon atoms) in sea water ...
The parameter "alkanes, heptacosan, aliphatic hydrocarbons (27 carbon atoms) in seawater" was determined in seawater as part of the joint federal/state measurement program for...