National Radioactivity Monitoring Network: natural alpha radiation (monthly, ...
This is a data source under investigation. The link to the data is not yet available. The data owner is investigating whether the data can be made available as open data. -
Extensive in-depth appendix to the 2017 Long-Term Care Act
This is an extensive version of the in-depth chapter of the Long-Term Care Act (Wlz) from the Financial Assessment of Care (FBZ) budget 2017. The adjustments are shown in... -
Financial picture health care Health Insurance Act 2018
This includes all the tables from the in-depth chapter of the Healthcare Insurance Act (Zvw) from the 2018 Financial Assessment of Healthcare (FBZ) budget. with 2021. The... -
Dataset with regard to persons with dispensed medicines in the year 2014. This table contains figures on the number and percentage of persons who are registered in the Municipal... -
44 measuring instruments - quality indicators and client questionnaires -
44 measuring instruments - quality indicators and client questionnaires - -
Health Monitor Adults and Elderly
Description Survey data of Utrecht adults and the elderly (aged 18+) about health, lifestyle (eg alcohol, drugs, sports) and social environment (eg loneliness). #### Source... -
Financial picture healthcare 2019
This includes all tables from the 2019 Financial Assessment of Healthcare (FBZ) budget, with the exception of the in-depth chapter. The development of the Healthcare Expenditure... -
Financial picture healthcare 2020
This includes all tables from the Financial Assessment of Care (FBZ) budget 2020, with the exception of the in-depth chapter. The development of the Healthcare Expenditure... -
Extensive in-depth appendix to the Long-Term Care Act 2019
This is an extensive version of the in-depth chapter of the Long-Term Care Act (Wlz) from the Financial Assessment of Care (FBZ) budget 2019. The adjustments are shown in... -
Care structure, black spot (history)
Area more than 5 km away from a core with function level 3. Regional plan Drenthe, 27 June 1990, map A.4.1. -
Uitgebreide verdiepingsbijlage Wet Langdurige Zorg 2020
Dit is een uitgebreide versie van het verdiepingshoofdstuk van de Wet langdurige zorg (Wlz) uit het Financieel beeld zorg (FBZ) begroting 2020. De bijstellingen zijn weergegeven...