Structural vision RO, Ambition map, lines
The province also sets out the ambitions for the development of landscape quality in the area passports. New developments can contribute to the development of new and... -
LEADER is part of POP3. LEADER is the abbreviation for: Liaison Entre Actions de Développement de l'Économie Rurale. LEADER is a community-led local development and aims to...- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/WMS_SRVC
- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/WFS_SRVC
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Structural vision - Area developments - Map of area developments (incl. parti...
In some areas so much is going on that the province is paying extra attention to it. These are often areas with beautiful landscapes, where new developments must be given a... -
Interim Environmental Ordinance, Restrictions on Livestock Farming
The Interim Environmental Ordinance designates areas with the designation 'Restriction of livestock farming'. The boundaries of these areas are in line with the boundaries of... -
Structural vision RO, Ambition map, planes
The province also sets out the ambitions for the development of landscape quality in the area passports. New developments can contribute to the development of new and... -
RO Structural Vision, Ambition Map, Points
The province also sets out the ambitions for the development of landscape quality in the area passports. New developments can contribute to the development of new and... -
Management areas water quality management agreement, Status 13/5/2015
Overview of the areas, located in Flanders, within which a water quality management agreement can be concluded, as determined by Ministerial Decree. The quality of the surface... -
Management areas development management species-rich grassland, Status 7/2/2018
Overview of the areas, located in Flanders, within which a management agreement for the development of species-rich grassland can be concluded, as determined by Ministerial... -
Beheergebieden weidevogelsoorten, Toestand 7/2/2018
Overzicht van de gebieden, gelegen in Vlaanderen, waarbinnen een beheerovereenkomst voor weidevogels (tureluur, watersnip, zomertaling, grutto, wulp, slobeend, kievit,...