Within the province of Utrecht, 25 water pearls, also known as 'ecologically valuable waters', have been identified on the basis of the occurrence of special species. These... -
Noise impact - Contours provincial roads Lden 2009
In 2006, the Province of Utrecht used the Provincial Traffic Environment Model (PVMM) to determine the noise impact from provincial roads. These data are a follow-up to this... -
Traffic intensities for traffic models 2020
Intensities for an average working day. Due to Corona measures, the figures are not representative for traffic calculations. -
Overview N-roads
Overview of the provincial roads. This data is also used in the GeoKeys service. -
Traffic intensities for environmental models 2020
Intensities for an average weekday. Due to Corona measures, the figures are not representative for traffic calculations. -
BGT - Wells theme layer
Selection of the wells from the Key Register of Large-Scale Topography. -
GES contour noise - roads cumulative
The noise impact from the cumulative road grid file of the RIVM has been translated into GES (health effect screening) contours and shown on maps. All homes and sensitive... -
Total GES contours
Total map GES score contours for all environmental aspects and sources. -
A-location Bos
Due to their ecological quality, these forests can be considered as the best examples of natural forest communities. No data is yet available for the municipality of... -
You will find a rest area (recognizable by the rest point sign) on a private property, along a walking or cycling route and usually located in the countryside. At a rest point... -
BGT- Theme layer Road lighting (OVL above ground)
Selection of road lighting from the Key Register of Large-Scale Topography. -
Houses affected by noise (Lden) - air traffic
The noise exposure as a result of air traffic (Lden) has been translated into GES (health effect screening) contours. Dwellings within noise contours Schiphol Lden dB have been... -
sound bubble. prov. roads (int. < 3 mil.) Lden 2011
The dataset contains the Lden noise contours of the provincial roads of the Province of Utrecht from the 2nd tranche of the EU Environmental Noise Directive (reference year... -
Shopping areas in the province of Utrecht. -
Recreation boards in the province of Utrecht. No data is yet available for the municipality of Vijfheerenlanden, which has been part of the province of Utrecht since 1 January... -
BGT - Ditch Theme Layer (flat)
Selection of the ditches from the Key Register of Large-Scale Topography. -
sound bubble. prov. roads Lden 2006
The dataset contains the 55 dB, 60 dB, 65 dB and 70 dB Lden noise contours of the provincial roads of the Province of Utrecht from the 1st tranche of the EU Environmental Noise... -
GES contours PM10 - livestock farms
The PM10 load (annual average PM10 concentration in micrograms/m3) as a result of livestock farms has been translated into GES (health effect screening) contours and shown on... -
Small Landscape Elements (KLE) - value map areas
The map "Protected small landscape element" has been included in the Environmental Ordinance. It contains the most special, often old landscape elements of the province of... -
Clusters noise - rail traffic
Clusters (outline) based on municipal boundaries. For each cluster, the numbers of homes and sensitive destinations are counted per GES score. The sensitive destinations are...