ALKIS Berlin parcels
Data from the official real estate cadastre information system (ALKIS) - As a geometrically clearly delimited part of the earth's surface, the parcel is the accounting unit of... -
Distance to groundwater in 2020 (environmental atlas)
Grid data with a grid width of 1 m of the field distance and the areas without usable quaternary aquifers before being converted into isosurfaces by linear interpolation. -
Groundwater spacing 2020 - main aquifer tensioned (environmental atlas)
Factual data on the main aquifer for May 2020 -
Orthophotography in the INSPIRE data model (DOP20RGBI 2022)
The data are colored digital true orthophotomosaics (TrueDOP). All objects are displayed in the correct position, i.e. H. There are no tilting of buildings or trees and... -
Locations of publicly funded Berlin daycare centers with information about the daycare centers. -
ALKIS Berlin Land
State border of Berlin -
ALKIS Berlin Legal regulations
Data from the official property register information system (ALKIS) - classification according to road law, classification according to water law, other law -
ALKIS Berlin buildings
Data from the official property register information system (ALKIS) - buildings, facilities and equipment in residential areas and for traffic -
Long-term average air temperature 1981-2010 - isolines (environmental atlas)
Lines of equal air temperature (smoothed) in °C, determined from the long-term annual average from 1981-2010. -
Long-term average air temperature 1981-2010 - isosurfaces (environmental atlas)
Areas with the same air temperature in °C, determined from the long-term annual average from 1981-2010. -
ALKIS Berlin vegetation (points)
Data from the official property register information system (ALKIS) - punctual vegetation characteristics -
ALKIS Berlin Special parcel boundaries
Data from the official property register information system (ALKIS) - boundaries of the state, districts, districts and corridors as well as disputed boundaries and center lines... -
Flood hazard map for floods with medium probability 2019 (environmental atlas)
This flood hazard map (HWGK) describes the spatial spread of flooding and the water depth of a flood with a medium probability of occurrence. Floods are shown that occur when a... -
ALKIS Berlin Relief (edge)
Data from the official property register information system (ALKIS) - terrain edge -
Berlin fire brigade locations
Locations of the Berlin fire department -
Protected areas and protected objects according to Berlin nature conservation...
Nature conservation and landscape protection areas, natural monuments in large areas and as objects, protected landscape components, Barnim Nature Park (Berlin part), FFH areas... -
Locations of Berlin schools with information on school type, name, address and contact options. The data also includes information about whether the school is public or private.... -
Long-term average air temperature 1981-2010 - road surfaces (environmental at...
Road surface allocation of annual mean temperatures, determined from the long-term annual average from 1981-2010. -
Produktions- und Industrieanlagen im INSPIRE-Datenmodell (LISA-Anlagen)
Dargestellt sind Berliner Produktionsstätten und -anlagen, die durch die Senatsverwaltung für Mobilität, Verkehr, Klimaschutz und Umwelt Berlin betreut werden. Sie sind durch... -
Standorte der vollstationären Pflegeeinrichtungen in Berlin