Climate model Berlin: Planning instructions for urban climate 2015 - block an...
Factual data of the blocks for the urban climate planning information map (PHK). It presents the results of the assessment of the settlement area, green and open spaces as well... -
Climate model Berlin: Climate analysis map 2015 - Green areas with above-aver...
Factual data and geometries of the green areas with above-average cold air volume flow as part of the 2015 climate analysis map, Brandenburg -
Long-term precipitation distribution winter half-year 1991-2020 - isosurfaces...
Areas of equal precipitation totals in the winter half-year in mm, determined from the long-term average precipitation from 1991-2020. -
Long-term precipitation distribution winter half-year 1991-2020 (environmenta...
Long-term precipitation distribution in the winter months in Berlin and the surrounding area. The precipitation from the water management years 1991-2020 was used. The winter... -
Long-term average air temperature 1981-2010 - isolines (environmental atlas)
Lines of equal air temperature (smoothed) in °C, determined from the long-term annual average from 1981-2010. -
Long-term average air temperature 1981-2010 - isosurfaces (environmental atlas)
Areas with the same air temperature in °C, determined from the long-term annual average from 1981-2010. -
Climate model Berlin: Development of the number of summer days in the future ...
Grid data of the distribution of the mean annual number of summer days for two periods in the future (2011-2040 and 2041-2070). -
Berlin Climate Model: Assessment Index Physiologically Equivalent Temperature...
Grid data from the assessment index Physiologically Equivalent Temperature (PET) in Berlin and the surrounding area at a height of 2 m at 4 a.m. and 2 p.m. in °C in a summer... -
Berlin climate model: air temperature in the evening 10 p.m. 2001 (environmen...
Application of the Berlin 2001 climate model: Air temperature in the evening at 10 p.m. at the beginning of a summer radiation night with little exchange in °C. -
Long-term average air temperature 1961-1990 (environmental atlas)
Distribution and height of the long-term average temperature (1961-1990) in Berlin and the surrounding area based on mobile and stationary measurements, as of January 2001. -
Long-term average air temperature 1981-2010 (environmental atlas)
Long-term distribution of mean air temperatures at a height of 2 m in Berlin and the surrounding area (full year). The 30-year temperature average was calculated based on the... -
Long-term precipitation distribution winter half-year 1991-2020 - isolines (e...
Lines of equal precipitation totals in the winter half-year (smoothed) in mm, determined from the long-term average precipitation from 1991-2020. -
Climate model Berlin: Climate analysis map 2015 - cold air impact areas in th...
Factual data and geometries of the areas exposed to cold air within residential areas in Brandenburg as part of the 2015 climate analysis map -
Long-term average air temperature 1981-2010 - road surfaces (environmental at...
Road surface allocation of annual mean temperatures, determined from the long-term annual average from 1981-2010.