Bottom Cover Map (BAK), 5m resolution, recording 2018
Geographical grid dataset showing land cover in Flanders, state 2018. This map has a focus on soil and the loss of its essential ecosystem functions as soil and its... -
Soil in the INSPIRE data model (soil mapping)
Overview of the pedological reports or mapping in the INSPIRE data model carried out in the state of Berlin, in which soil profiles were documented and/or large-scale soil... -
Soil in the INSPIRE data model (criteria for evaluating soil functions 2015)
The criteria for evaluating the soil functions are made up of various parameters for deriving the soil functions in Berlin in the INSPIRE data model. -
Soil in the INSPIRE data model (soil parameters 2015)
The soil-scientific parameters are composed of various soil-scientific data in Berlin in the INSPIRE data model. -
Soil in the INSPIRE data model (soil associations and soil types 2015)
The soil associations and soil types describe the distribution areas of soil associations, soil types and peat types in Berlin in the INSPIRE data model. -
Soil in the INSPIRE data model (Medium-Scale Agricultural Site Mapping MMK)
The present medium-scale agricultural site mapping (MMK) is a basic pedological work for agriculture from the 1970s for north-eastern Berlin in the INSPIRE data model. -
The Archeology Guidelines reflect the requirements that we as a municipality set in addition to the national guidelines (Quality Standard for Dutch Archaeology). In this way we... -
SCMaP - Landsat - Germany, 1984-2014
The Soil Composite Mapping Processor (SCMaP) is a new approach designed to make use of per-pixel compositing to overcome the issue of limited soil exposure due to vegetation.... -
Boden im INSPIRE-Datenmodell (Bodenkundliche Kartierungen)
Übersicht über die im Land Berlin durchgeführten bodenkundlichen Gutachten oder Kartierungen im INSPIRE-Datenmodell, bei denen Bodenprofile dokumentiert und/oder... -
Boden im INSPIRE-Datenmodell (Mittelmaßstäbige Landwirtschaftliche Standortka...
Die vorliegende Mittelmaßstäbige Landwirtschaftliche Standortkartierung (MMK) ist ein bodenkundliches Grundlagenwerk für die Landwirtschaft aus den 1970er Jahren für das... -
Boden im INSPIRE-Datenmodell (Bodenfunktionen und Planungshinweise 2015)
Die Bodenfunktionen und Planungshinweise setzen sich zusammen aus verschiedenen Bodenfunktionen und den sich daraus ableitenden Bewertungen der Schutzwürdigkeit in Berlin im... -
Boden im INSPIRE-Datenmodell (Moore)
Die Moorgebiete, Moorteilflächen und Aufnahmepunkte beschreiben die Verbreitungsräume, Bodentypen mit Erhaltungszustand, Mächtigkeiten und Kohlenstoffvorräte von Mooren in... -
Soil in the INSPIRE data model (soil associations and soil types 2015)
The soil associations and soil types describe the distribution areas of soil associations, soil types and peat types in Berlin in the INSPIRE data model. -
Soil in the INSPIRE data model (soil parameters 2015)
The soil-scientific parameters are composed of various soil-scientific data in Berlin in the INSPIRE data model. -
Soil in the INSPIRE data model (criteria for evaluating soil functions 2015)
The criteria for evaluating the soil functions are made up of various parameters for deriving the soil functions in Berlin in the INSPIRE data model. -
Soil in the INSPIRE data model (soil associations and soil types 2015)
The soil associations and soil types describe the distribution areas of soil associations, soil types and peat types in Berlin in the INSPIRE data model. -
SCMaP - Landsat - Germany, 1984-2014
The Soil Composite Mapping Processor (SCMaP) is a new approach designed to make use of per-pixel compositing to overcome the issue of limited soil exposure due to vegetation.... -
Measure 12.1.3_Areas concerned
The intervention 12.1.3 of the RDP of the FVG 2014-2020 compensates the higher costs or the loss of income deriving from constraints deriving from the 92/43/EC "Habitat"... -
Indicates the presence of chemically precipitated deposits in the cave environment but which are found on the surface (embedded fractures, stalactites and stalagmites) -
Guardian pier
Masonry coastal defense work, transversal to the coast line and placed at the mouth of the port area.