Chemical_substance code list v2.0.0
This dataset contains a list of chemical substance types that are used within the environment policy domain of the Flemish Government and as initially drawn up within the... -
Code list matrix v1.1.2
This dataset contains a list of matrix types that are used within the environment policy domain of the Flemish Government and as initially drawn up within the framework of the... -
Chemical_substance code list v4.0.0
This dataset contains a list of chemical substance types that are used within the environment policy domain of the Flemish Government and as initially drawn up within the... -
Main national interventions and related KPIs
The dataset contains the details of the progress for the main interventions with related indicators (KPI Key Performance Indicator). The data are processed with the... -
Public Contracts Service database - SCP
The Dataset contains the notices, tenders and tender results in open format collected by the SCP - Public Contracts Service database managed by the General Directorate for... -
Road accident location - Years 2004-2018
The dataset contains data for the calculation of various accident indices analyzed on the road. Inside there are absolute values of the number of accidents, deaths and... -
Water hydrants
Water terminals made available to the population -
File of territorial skills of DGFIP services - September 2023
This SKILLS file replaces the old FIMOCT file produced by the TOPAD1 application. It lists the skills of the DGFIP services within the territorial directorates (mainland and... -
20 km wide corridor on either side of the gas distribution network
Corridor 20 km wide on either side of the gas distribution network. This corridor was calculated from the data “gas network infrastructures” present on the [ORE] platform... -
10 km wide corridor on either side of the gas transport network
10 km wide corridor on either side of the gas transport network. This corridor was calculated from data “simplified route of the GRTgaz network precise to approximately 250 m »... -
Static IRVE (CEGELEC Réseaux Auvergne Drôme Ardèche organization)
This dataset meets the specifications of the "Static IRVE" schema available on the site schema.data.gouv.fr -
IRVE Hotel de l'Esplanade
1 22Kw charging point in the parking lot of the Hôtel de l'Esplanade in Strasbourg -
Bike services Bordeaux Métropole
Public Dictionary This dataset represents the position of services bicycles offered in the Bordeaux Métropole area. -
10 km wide corridor on either side of the gas distribution network
Corridor 10 km wide on either side of the gas distribution network. This corridor was calculated from the data “gas network infrastructures” present on the [ORE] platform... -
Accommodation prices and EHPAD dependency rates
Accommodation prices and long-term care rates for EHPADs - raw data -
TOPAD repository mission file - September 2023
The UAMISSIONS file restores all the structures of the Topad repository within the territorial directorates (mainland and DOM) and abroad (B31 directorate), active on the 1st... -
20 km wide corridor on either side of the gas transport network
Corridor 20 km wide on either side of the gas transport network. This corridor was calculated from data “simplified route of the GRTgaz network precise to approximately 250 m »... -
Bordeaux Métropole bike parking
Public Dictionary This dataset represents the position of parking lots cycling in the Bordeaux Métropole area. The parking hoops are listed in the game Bordeaux Métropole... -
DATA: Early childhood care structure in Colmar Agglomération
Location of private or public early childhood care structures (RAM, crèche, etc.) in Colmar -
Existing operation of national interest (OIN) of Île-de-France
Situation2018This dataset represents the operations of national interest in Île-de-France in 2018. An operation of national interest (OIN) is an urban planning operation to...