Children and young people with a migration background 2014
Share of under 18-year-olds with a migration background in total under 18-year-olds in percent on December 31, 2014 (MSS 2015, PLR, context indicator: K 04), map with... -
Migration balance of children under the age of 6 in 2007
Migration balance of children under the age of 6 as a percentage of the population under the age of 6 in 2007 at the level of traffic cells (dynamic 3) (Monitoring Soziale... -
Standard land values 01.01.2000
Land value atlas based on the grid data of the expert committee for property values in Berlin from 01/01/2000. The ground values are given in DM/m²! -
Migration balance of Germans 2009 (LOR)
Difference in immigration and emigration (registrations and deregistrations) of German residents as a percentage of residents in 2009 at the level of the planning area... -
Living spaces 2020
Number of living spaces (including kitchen) per inhabitant in percent on December 31, 2020 (MSS 2021, 447 PLR, context indicator: K 14), map with equidistant group formation -
Expected mean highest groundwater level (ZEMHGL) (environmental atlas)
Factual data of the expected average highest groundwater level in the glacial valley and Panketal. It describes the mean value of the annual maximum values of a long-term... -
Planned land use in the INSPIRE data model (LaPro landscape program plan)
The planned land use is shown at the level of the landscape program plan. The areas are described by attributes of the INSPIRE data model "land use". -
Building age 1992/93
Scan of the map "Building age 1992/93" from the publication: "Urban development of Berlin since 1650 in maps" -
Digital Topographic Map 1: 25 000 (DTK25)
The national map series Digital Topographic Map 1:25 000 visualizes the official basic geodata ATKIS and ALKIS buildings in the federal standard sheet format. -
Children and young people 2006 (LOR)
Children and young people under the age of 18 as a percentage of the population under the age of 18 in 2006 at the level of the living environment-oriented areas (LOR),... -
Foreigners 2007 (LOR) - Polish citizens
Persons with Polish citizenship as a percentage of the population in 2007 at the level of the planning areas (E 14 - LOR) (data from Social Urban Development 2007 at the LOR level) -
Concentration of ownership Berlin 2021 - municipal housing associations
At the level of the planning areas, the proportion of land owned by the municipal housing associations from the real estate cadastre is evaluated. Important special features or... -
Aerial photos 1995, scale 1:80,000
Aerial photographs (vertical photographs) for the entire Berlin urban area at a scale of 1:80,000 -
Soil Types 2001 (Environmental Atlas)
Representation of the soil types on the basis of blocks and blocks, 1:50,000, as of 2001. -
Regional Rarity of Soil Associations 2005 (Environmental Atlas)
Representation of the regional rarity of the soil associations on a block and block sub-area basis, 1:5,000, as of 2005. -
The map shows the locations of the public pharmacies. -
Formalized areas of development
Development areas formally defined by the Berlin Senate in accordance with Section 165 of the Building Code. -
Migration volume 2008 (LOR)
Migration volume in % of the inhabitants in 2008 at the level of the planning areas (dynamics 1 - LOR)(Monitoring of social urban development 2009 at the LOR level) -
Morning surface temperatures 2000 (Environmental Atlas)
Surface temperatures in the morning of 08/14/2000, 10:30 am. The long-wave wavelength range between 10.4 and 12.5 µm is shown. -
Migration volume 2009 (LOR)
Sum of people moving in and out (registrations and deregistrations) as a percentage of the residents in 2009 at the level of the planning areas (dynamics 1) (Monitoring Soziale...