Berlin around 1850
Scan of the map "Berlin around 1850" from the publication: "Urban development of Berlin since 1650 in maps" -
Digitale Orthophotos 2005
The data are digital color infrared orthophotomosaics (DOP), which were created from the digital image flight from August 19th to 31st, 2005. The differentially rectified DOPs... -
Digitale Orthophotos 2004
Digital orthophotos (color) for the entire Berlin city area with a ground resolution of 0.25 m in the leaf section of the K5 -
Public transport priority network
Routes with a particularly dense public transport offering and high passenger demand are taken into account in the priority network. It includes all routes on which more than... -
Soil functions and planning information 2001 (environmental atlas)
Six soil functions and the planning information derived from them for soil protection based on the block map 1 : 50,000 (ISU50, spatial reference environmental atlas 2001),... -
Locations Workspace program Ateliers
Location information from the studio program about the number and size of the individual studios. -
OpenStreetMap data for Berlin
OpenStreetMap is a project founded in 2004 with the aim of creating a free world map. We collect data on roads, railways, rivers, forests, houses and everything else that is... -
BSR street cleaning - directories and cleaning classes
GEO data for street directories and cleaning classes in Berlin. Based on the Berlin street cleaning index (StrReinVerz), all public streets, squares and paths are divided into... -
Business data from the IHK Berlin
The dataset contains the geographical distribution of commercial companies in the State of Berlin, by industry, employee class, age of the company and legal form. The data is... -
This is open geospatial information concerning the Municipality of Trikkaia. -
Geospatial Data
Geospatial data of the Municipality of Trikkaia