Works of intake of thermal and spring mineral waters
Cadastre with perimeter of mineral and thermal concessions -
Road intersections
Graphic representation of a point corresponding to a structural/functional variation of the road graph. -
Defense works and hydraulic-forestry arrangement in pinpoint representation
Defense works and hydraulic-forestry arrangement in pinpoint representation -
Mixing not in derogation with different CER D13 (MNDD)
The document Regional location criteria for waste recovery and disposal plants is the tool that defines the criteria for identifying suitable and unsuitable areas for the... -
Rivers 2000
Graphic representation of the natural watercourses of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, updated to 2000, within the MOLAND FVG project -
Guardian pier
Masonry coastal defense work, transversal to the coast line and placed at the mouth of the port area. -
Slope protection work
Work or set of works for defense or protection on slopes. -
Railway intersection
Graphic representation of the points corresponding to a structural/functional variation of the railway graph. -
R3 plastic recovery (RPLAS)
The document Regional location criteria for waste recovery and disposal plants is the tool that defines the criteria for identifying suitable and unsuitable areas for the... -
surface water bodies related to transitional waters
A body of surface water related to transitional waters is a distinct and significant element of surface water, such as transitional water or portion thereof (European Directive... -
Thermal and spring mineral waters (perimeter)
Cadastre with perimeter of mineral and thermal concessions for insertion on the regional site -
Built 085
Database structured in a GIS environment with the polygonal representation of the building extracted from the CTRN 5000 with associated information relating to the height and... -
Absolute depression
Absolute depression referred to mean sea level. -
PPR - Degraded and compromised areas
Identification of degraded and compromised areas pursuant to article 17 of the NTA of the PPR. For the types of transformation, refer to what is described in the Abaco of... -
depth m pitched roof E
the thickness between the ground level and the roof of the aquifer is measured -
Map of the Natural Fund at a scale of 1:250,000 of the Emilia-Romagna plain -...
It represents the areal distribution in the subsoil (90-140 cm depth) of the nickel content in soils for agricultural use. This depth is considered representative of the natural... -
ACM R3 composting (CACM)
The document Regional location criteria for waste recovery and disposal plants is the tool that defines the criteria for identifying suitable and unsuitable areas for the... -
Municipal and inter-municipal parks
It identifies the municipal and inter-municipal park areas in force at the territorial level under the responsibility of the individual municipalities. -
Sea profile
Seismic and/or bathymetric profile at sea. -
Measure 12.1.3_Areas concerned
The intervention 12.1.3 of the RDP of the FVG 2014-2020 compensates the higher costs or the loss of income deriving from constraints deriving from the 92/43/EC "Habitat"...