PAF (Forest Management Plan): forest types
Forest types identified within the P.A.F. The P.A.F. (Forest Management Plan, use and management of the silvopastoral heritage of municipal properties) represents a study aimed... -
Existing and projected railway viability and high capacity, thematic constituting the Provincial Urban Plan PUP established by Provincial Law No. 8 of 27 May 2008 which entered... -
Connotative type of buildings in the historic centre
The connotative type identifies, according to the recognition of some invariant architectural characteristics, the dominant intended use that characterizes the building. The... -
Acoustic zoning plan
Acoustic classification of the municipal area Law 26 October 1995 n.447 and Regional Law 20 March 1998 n.12. -
Project water purification plants, thematic constituting the Provincial Urban Plan PUP established by Provincial Law No. 8 of 27 May 2008 which entered into force on 26 June... -
Public services system (Municipal Urban Plan)
The Municipal Urban Plan is inspired by the guiding principles of territorial planning, defined by the Urban Planning Law of the Liguria Region, 4 September 1997, n. 36; takes... -
PTA 2015 lake bodies of water
Lake water bodies of the Provincial Water Protection Plan of 2015 (PTA 2015) with classification update 2014-2019 -
Buildings included in the UNESCO recognition of Genoa
Palaces included in the UNESCO recognition "Genoa: the new roads and the system of the Rolli palaces" - site registered on 16 July 2006 in the UNESCO World Heritage List in the... -
E103_P_PUP Normal agricultural areas, thematic constituting the Provincial Urban Plan PUP established by Provincial Law No. 8 of 27 May 2008 which entered into force on 26 June... -
Coastal geomorphology - 2005
Mapping and classification of the geomorphological characteristics of the coastal area of Emilia-Romagna, mainly carried out through the photo-interpretation of orthorectified... -
Bathymetric Digital Model (Adriatic-RER) - Bathymetric Digital Model - RER 2000
Digital Bathymetric Model or DBM (from the English Digital Bathymetric Model) in grid format. The product represents the bathymetry through a regular cell model to which... -
Antiquity period of the buildings in the historic center of Genoa
The dataset indicates the presence, in the buildings of the historic center of Genoa, of architectural finds dating back to periods prior to the general appearance of the... -
Genoa - Palazzi dei Rolli
The dataset represents the restitution in digital format of the Palazzi dei "Rolli": palaces in the historic center of Genoa which, starting from 1576, were included in special... -
River protection areas, thematic constituting the Provincial Urban Plan PUP established by Provincial Law No. 8 of 27 May 2008 which entered into force on 26 June 2008 - Data... -
Genoa - Conestagie: minor medieval administrative areas
Cartographic restitution in digital format of the minor areas of the administrative divisions of medieval Genoa -
Indirect restrictions on architectural assets
Indirect constraints of architectural heritageArea representation (polygons of cadastral parcels) relating to properties subject to indirect protection (buffer zones (Indirect... -
River basins
Geographical identification for Civil Protection purposes of the areas representing the Hydrographic Basins of the territory of the Municipality of Genoa -
Altimetric Classes (Pianura Padana - RER) - vector coverage - 1997 Edition
The representation of the Po Valley of the Emilia-Romagna Region by altitude ranges was obtained from the "ALTIMETRIC MAP AND VERTICAL MOVEMENTS OF THE SOIL OF THE PADANA... -
Adriatic isobaths RER - Surveys RER 1984
Bathymetric curves in digital format (vector) created through different procedures in relation to the type of original data: 1) by digitization from bathymetric maps available... -
Adriatic isobaths RER - Isobaths 1953-54 - Reliefs IIM
Bathymetric curves in digital format (vector) created through different procedures in relation to the type of original data: 1) by digitization from bathymetric maps available...