Water Network (Natural Capital)
Overijssel water network based on management type and subsidy map from the 2019 Nature Management Plan. The following categories have been used: marsh, freshwater lake, whorl... -
This points file contains information from the biomass digestion plants in Overijssel. The file includes the digesters that contribute to the production of renewable energy. The...- https://data.overheid.nl/format/unknown
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Green and Blue Services Staphorst (lines)
The maintenance and management of landscape elements on private land may, within certain areas, be eligible for compensation through the Green and Blue Services. It must concern... -
Noise contours for provincial roads (lden) (INSPIRE)
Noise contours of provincial roads (lden) in the province of Overijssel. Data is used in the delivery to European directive INSPIRE. In this file, the noise contours along...- https://data.overheid.nl/format/unknown
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The PBL has developed a method to automate the calculation of spatial densities expressed in FSI (Floor Space Index) and GSI (Ground Space Index) and their derivatives L... -
Groundwater protection areas (INSPIRE)
Groundwater protection areas in the province of Overijssel. Data is used in the delivery to European directive INSPIRE. Groundwater protection areas are areas directly around...- https://data.overheid.nl/format/unknown
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Measured finer fraction of particulate matter concentrations in outdoor air.
Crude accident-disabled sliding 24-hour values of the finer fraction of particulate matter (PM2.5) at ground level in the outside air, measured in the National Air Quality... -
Biomass pie chart (Natural capital)
These pie charts show the distribution of biomass quantities (in percentage terms) per municipality in the following categories, roadside clippings, reeds and heaths, stems and... -
Archaeological monuments
Archaeological monuments. From the earliest prehistory to the present time, the inhabitants have left their traces in the soil of Overijssel. This soil archive is an important... -
Groundwater seepage in autumn
The map shows the average amount of vertical seepage of groundwater on 1 October at a depth of a few meters below ground level in millimeters per day. The seepage was calculated... -
Co2 storage per municipality (Natural capital)
Potential carbon storage in soil by municipality. This is based on the total of all measures (improved crop rotations and use of green manures and catch crops, non-inversion... -
Estates (Natural Capital)
Estates within the province of Overijssel. An estate is a spatial unity of terrains and elements. These are architecturally, economically and functionally linked. The core is a... -
Areas for water storage and primary wetlands
Primary wetlands are (designated as such) low-lying areas near towns and villages that provide space for water storage during heavy rainfall. In the primary water areas, the...- https://data.overheid.nl/format/unknown
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Airport locations (points)
In this file, the locations of regional civil airports in Overijssel are displayed by means of points. It concerns the following four locations: Heliport De Koperen Hoogte,...- https://data.overheid.nl/format/unknown
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