Surrounding polygon of the monument areas of the city of Aachen -
Street directory for the city of Alsdorf
List of all currently assigned street names in the city of Alsdorf. The data set is updated annually. -
The solar cadastre provides information about the solar radiation to be expected; it serves as a guide for building owners. The data are model results that serve as non-binding... -
City map (official)
Official city map of the city of Aachen Coordinate systems: ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N (EPSG:25832) Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Status: November 2019 -
Construction sites in the city of Aachen
Daily updated overview of construction sites and other traffic obstructions in the city of Aachen. This data record includes the locations of the officially recorded road... -
Surrounding polygon of the monument areas of the city of Aachen -
Street directory for the city of Alsdorf
List of all currently assigned street names in the city of Alsdorf. The data set is updated annually. -
monument areas
Surrounding polygon of the monument areas of the city of Aachen -
The solar cadastre provides information about the solar radiation to be expected; it serves as a guide for building owners. The data are model results that serve as non-binding...