Blooming meadows in the city of Bielefeld. -
Surrounding polygon of the monument areas of the city of Aachen -
Rescue points in the Aachen forest
A system of rescue points was created in the Aachen forest, which increases safety in the forest. There are green and white signs with an alternative telephone number at 37... -
Shelters in the Aachen Forest
Location of the shelters in the Aachen forest. -
Locations of the oak processionary moth, private or municipal, information of the year and whether the EPS was removed. -
Natural monuments and protected landscape components
Natural monuments are individual creations of nature that require special protection for scientific, natural history or regional reasons or because of their rarity, uniqueness... -
The street database of the city of Aachen is based on junctions and sections. The database is not tied to the official street list. The road database is based on road... -
The environmental zone of the city of Aachen as a surrounding polygon. The environmental zone was introduced in Aachen on February 1, 2016. Only vehicles with a green sticker or... -
Rescue points in the Aachen forest
A system of rescue points was created in the Aachen forest, which increases safety in the forest. There are green and white signs with an alternative telephone number at 37... -
IS FSK 5 forest location map 1:5,000 of NRW, based on the soil map 1:5,000 - ...
The data set shows the site properties for forest sites in NRW on a scale of 1 : 5,000. The overall water balance and the natural nutrient supply of the locations are shown.... -
ALKIS NW floor plan data
According to the law on state surveying and the real estate cadastre (VermKatG NRW), a parcel is a limited part of the earth's surface that is listed in the real estate cadastre... -
Road network of the State Office for Road Construction in North Rhine-Westphalia
The database is maintained for the public roads of the road classes federal motorways, federal roads, state roads and district roads that are located within the federal state of... -
The solar cadastre provides information about the solar radiation to be expected; it serves as a guide for building owners. The data are model results that serve as non-binding... -
DABO DS - Database outcrops and boreholes in North Rhine-Westphalia - data set
The data set provides information on the location as well as digital layer descriptions of boreholes in North Rhine-Westphalia. The Geological Service of North Rhine-Westphalia... -
Winter service routes on roadways in the city of Münster
The winter service routes in Münster are available for download in machine-readable formats as Open Data on this page. This is part of the Open Data initiative of the Münster... -
Data of the monuments according to the monument protection law of North Rhine...
Data on the objects of the individual municipalities that are under protection according to the North Rhine-Westphalian Monument Protection Act. Data is updated regularly and is... -
Register of sources - sources in NRW (reference database) - data set
This data set shows all the sources recorded in the source register of North Rhine-Westphalia - independently managed by five institutions - or their sampling points based on... -
Contour lines and elevation points NW
The contour lines are used to represent the relief in topographical maps, among other things. The contour lines are derived from the digital terrain model DTM 1. The sequence of... -
IS FSK 5 RCP8.5 Forest site map 1:5,000 of NRW, based on the soil map 1:5,000...
The data set shows the site properties for forest sites in NRW on a scale of 1 : 5,000 based on projection data according to climate scenario RCP8.5 for the period 2071-2100.... -
Time 30-Zonen
This dataset contains information about the 30 km/h zones in the city of Cologne. It shows all currently implemented zones.