456 datasets found

Organizations: GeoDatiGovIt RNDT Tags: orthophoto

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  • Ortofoto PAT 2015 RGB

    As part of the project to supply data, systems and services for the enhancement of the information system of the Extraordinary Remote Sensing Plan (PST_A), the Autonomous...
  • Ortofoto Padergnone 2007 RGB

    Survey carried out in 2007 of a forest area in the municipality of Padergnone, commissioned by the Forestry and Wildlife Department - PAT in collaboration with the Faculty of...
  • Orthophoto Pellizzano 2012 RGB

    Survey carried out in 2012 of a forest area in the municipality of Pellizzano, commissioned by the Forestry and Wildlife Department - PAT in collaboration with the Edmund Mach...
  • PAT 1994 grayscale orthophoto

    Grayscale digital orthophoto at the nominal scale 1:10,000 obtained from the orthonormalization of the high resolution aerophotogrammetric recovery of the 1994 Italian Flight...
  • Ortofoto Ravina 2007 RGB

    Survey carried out in 2007 of a forest area in the municipality of Ravina, commissioned by the Forestry and Wildlife Department - PAT in collaboration with the Faculty of...
  • Orthophoto Paneveggio 2007 RGB

    Survey carried out in 2007 of a forest area in the municipality of Paneveggio, commissioned by the Forestry and Wildlife Department - PAT in collaboration with the Faculty of...
  • DBTL - Digital orthophotos (Caselle Landi Town Hall)

    Digital orthophotos of urbanized areas, produced by the Topographic Database. Orthophotos are available both as a WMS service and as individual files (GeoTIFF) for download.
  • Mosaic of orthophotos of the matrix centers of Sardinia

    Representation of the matrix center of the municipalities of Sardinia in raster format
  • Orthophotocard Vibo Valentia 2004

    Orthophotomap of the Province of Vibo Valentia at a scale of 1:10,000 represented in the conformal projection of Gauss-Boaga. A section represents the sixteenth part of a sheet...
  • Orthophotomap Cosenza 2003

    Orthophotomap of the Province of Cosenza at a scale of 1:10,000 represented in the conformal projection of Gauss-Boaga. A section represents the sixteenth part of a sheet of the...
  • Orthophotomap Agrigento 2004

    Orthophotomap of the Province of Agrigento at a scale of 1:10,000 represented in the conformal projection of Gauss-Boaga. A section represents the sixteenth part of a sheet of...
  • Orthophotomap Varese 2001

    Orthophotomap of the Province of Varese at a scale of 1:10,000 represented in the conformal projection of Gauss-Boaga. A section represents the sixteenth part of a sheet of the...
  • Orthophotochart Lodi 1999

    Orthophotomap of the Lodi Province at a scale of 1:10,000 represented in the conformal projection of Gauss-Boaga. A section represents the sixteenth part of a sheet of the IGM...
  • La Spezia 2003 orthophotomap

    Orthophotomap of the Province of La Spezia at a scale of 1:10,000 represented in the conformal projection of Gauss-Boaga. A section represents the sixteenth part of a sheet of...
  • Orthophotomap Catanzaro 1996

    Orthophotomap of the Catanzaro Province at a scale of 1:10,000 represented in the conformal projection of Gauss-Boaga. A section represents the sixteenth part of a sheet of the...
  • DBTL - Digital orthophotos (Sant'Angelo Lodigiano Town Hall)

    Digital orthophotos of urbanized areas, produced by the Topographic Database. Orthophotos are available both as a WMS service and as individual files (GeoTIFF) for download.
  • Orthophotomap Brindisi 2008

    Orthophotomap of the Province of Brindisi at a scale of 1:10,000 represented in the conformal projection of Gauss-Boaga. A section represents the sixteenth part of a sheet of...
  • Orthophoto 1990 - WMS Geo-service

    The Web Map Service for consulting the 1990 color digital orthophotos allows you to view a mosaic of aerial frames which, subjected to orthorectification processes, are...
  • Orthophotochart Treviso 2006

    Orthophotomap of the Province of Treviso at a scale of 1:10,000 represented in the conformal projection of Gauss-Boaga. A section represents the sixteenth part of a sheet of the...
  • DBTL - Digital orthophotos (Villanova del Sillaro Cascina Postino)

    Digital orthophotos of urbanized areas, produced by the Topographic Database. Orthophotos are available both as a WMS service and as individual files (GeoTIFF) for download.
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).