Sum of exchangeable cations in topsoil 2005 (Environmental Atlas)
Representation of the total exchangeable cations of the topsoils (0 - 3 dm) on a block and block area basis, 1 : 5,000, as of 2005. -
Sum of exchangeable cations in topsoil 2001 (Environmental Atlas)
Representation of the total exchangeable cations of the topsoils (0 - 3 dm) on a block and block area basis, 1 : 50,000, as of 2001. -
Sum of exchangeable cations in topsoil 2010 (Environmental Atlas)
Representation of the total exchangeable cations of the topsoils (0 - 3 dm) on a block and block area basis, 1 : 5,000, as of 2010. -
Filter capacity of soils 2005 (environmental atlas)
Representation of the filtering capacity of the soils based on block and block area, 1:5,000, as of 2005. -
Criteria for evaluating soil functions 2015 (environmental atlas)
Criteria for evaluating soil functions, use and soil associations. Spatial reference block/partial block map ISU 5 (City and Environment Information System) as of 2015. -
Base saturation of the topsoil 1990 (environmental atlas)
Representation of the base saturation of the topsoil on a block and block subarea basis, 1 : 50,000, as of 1990. -
Criteria for evaluating soil functions 1990 (environmental atlas)
Evaluation criteria for six soil functions based on the block map 1 : 50,000 (ISU50, spatial reference environmental atlas 1990), processing status December 2000. -
Criteria for evaluating soil functions 2005 (environmental atlas)
Evaluation criteria for six soil functions based on the block map 1 : 50,000 (ISU50, spatial reference environmental atlas 2005), processing status February 2009. -
Criteria for evaluating soil functions 2001 (environmental atlas)
Evaluation criteria for six soil functions based on the block map 1 : 50,000 (ISU50, spatial reference environmental atlas 2001), processing status August 2005.