Residence time (Transit time) in years in the first aquifer
The travel time (or residence time) in years at a given point on the map represents the time it takes for the water infiltrating at that point to reach the object. No data is... -
Potential Map Heat Cold Storage (WKO)
Heat and cold storage (WKO) is a method of storing energy in the form of heat or cold in the soil. The technology is used to heat and/or cool buildings. The maximum kD (m2/d) of... -
Total travel distance (Transit distance) in metres
Total travel distance in metres, distance that water infiltrating at that point travels to the object it flows towards. No data is yet available for the municipality of... -
groundwater quantity monitoring network
This is the mandatory groundwater quantity measurement network of the province of Utrecht in which the groundwater levels are measured in the aquifers in the subsoil. With this... -
Total travel distance in meters in the first aquifer
Total travel distance in metres, distance that water infiltrating at that point travels to the object it flows towards. No data is yet available for the municipality of... -
Interim Environmental Ordinance, No water management attention zone
This file lists the areas that do not fall under the Water Management Attention Zone of the Interim Environmental Ordinance. In these areas, more flexible rules apply to... -
Mobility vision - Regional flood defenses
Motorways, main roads and regional roads over regional flood defenses in the province of Utrecht. There is no updating of the data. No data is yet available for the municipality... -
Routes where dyke improvements will take place -
Regional Water and Soil Program 2022-2027, Water Framework Directive (WFD) su...
WFD surface water bodies as a surface element in North Brabant to which a water management function has been assigned by the province. It contains a small part of all WFD... -
Percentage of net precipitation that replenishes groundwater, Groundwater sys...
Percentage of precipitation that is not directly discharged to drainage means. No data is yet available for the municipality of Vijfheerenlanden, which has been part of the... -
Groundwater systems: sub-areas with infiltration areas and related seepage areas. Classified on the basis of characteristics, which determine the sensitivity to groups of... -
Quantitative Sensitivity
The quantitative sensitivity is defined as the product of the groundwater residence time with the infiltration rate. When a water particle remains underground twice as long, it... -
Vulnerability area to groundwater degradation
Sensitivity of the groundwater to all substance groups is determined on the basis of breakthrough time and percentage of shallow groundwater run-off. To be used to determine the... -
Flow paths provide insight into the groundwater flow pattern. No data is yet available for the municipality of Vijfheerenlanden, which has been part of the province of Utrecht... -
Residence time (Transit time) in years
The travel time (or residence time) in years at a given point on the map represents the time it takes for the water infiltrating at that point to reach the object. No data is...