BGT - Traffic Light Theme Layer (dot)
Selection of the traffic lights from the Key Register of Large-Scale Topography. -
Ice control Province of Utrecht
Overview of the main carriageways and separate cycle paths / parallel roads that the Province of Utrecht sprinkles. No data is yet available for the municipality of... -
Mobility Vision - Categorization of the road network
The available road network with categories, such as distributor road and access road. This is an updated version, established by the Network Perspective Provincial Roads 2040. -
BGT - Ditch Theme Layer (line)
Selection of the divers from the Key Register of Large-Scale Topography. -
BGT - Mileage Theme Layer
Selection of the kilometer markers from the Key Register of Large-Scale Topography. -
Overview of provincial roads where agricultural traffic is allowed. -
Clusters sound - road traffic
Clusters (outline) based on municipal boundaries. For each cluster, the numbers of homes and sensitive destinations are counted per GES score. The sensitive destinations are... -
Measuring points vehicle 2022
PUVIS vehicle measurement points. System management measuring points performed by: HIG Traffic Systems BV. Data delivery from measurement points: traffic data@province-utrecht.nl -
Measuring points bicycle 2022
PU bicycle measuring points. System management measuring points performed by ARS T&TT BV. Data delivery from measurement points: traffic data@province-utrecht.nl -
Noise impact - Contours provincial roads Lden 2009
In 2006, the Province of Utrecht used the Provincial Traffic Environment Model (PVMM) to determine the noise impact from provincial roads. These data are a follow-up to this... -
Overview N-roads
Overview of the provincial roads. This data is also used in the GeoKeys service. -
BGT - Wells theme layer
Selection of the wells from the Key Register of Large-Scale Topography. -
GES contour noise - roads cumulative
The noise impact from the cumulative road grid file of the RIVM has been translated into GES (health effect screening) contours and shown on maps. All homes and sensitive... -
BGT- Theme layer Road lighting (OVL above ground)
Selection of road lighting from the Key Register of Large-Scale Topography. -
BGT - Ditch Theme Layer (flat)
Selection of the ditches from the Key Register of Large-Scale Topography. -
Clusters noise - roads cumulative
Clusters (outline) based on municipal boundaries. For each cluster, the numbers of homes and sensitive destinations are counted per GES score. The sensitive destinations are... -
Sewer pipe - WIBON data from GIS
Sewer pipes in the management of the province of Utrecht. -
Locations of cameras along the provincial roads in the province of Utrecht. -
Cable - WIBON data from GIS
Cables managed by the province of Utrecht. There are only low-voltage cables along roads. There are also medium-voltage and high-voltage cables around the regional tram. -
Drawwell - WIBON data from GIS
Drawing wells in the management of the province of Utrecht.