National monuments (outdated)
The dataset 'Rijksmonumenten (obsolete)' contains data of monuments in the Netherlands that have been designated as protected monuments by the government. These national... -
Reconstruction is one of the five components of the Heritage and Space Vision. Thirty areas have been selected as areas of national importance by the Cultural Heritage Agency of... -
Openness and overbuilding in World Heritage
This dataset shows the degree of openness in 3 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the Netherlands: Droogmakerij de Beemster, the Dutch Water Lines (only for the area where the... -
Point locations and contours of monuments in the Netherlands that have been designated as protected monuments by the Dutch government. These national monuments are of national... -
INSPIRE harmonized Protected Areas - Culture History
This dataset combines the data of three datasets, namely: the dataset of the monuments in the Netherlands that have been designated as protected monuments by the government, the... -
Rijksmonumenten (INSPIRE geharmoniseerd)
In deze dataset zijn de gegevens opgenomen van alle monumenten in Nederland die door het Rijk zijn aangewezen als beschermd monument. Deze rijksmonumenten zijn van nationale...