Aerial Imagery 2019 10cm RGB
The orthophoto mosaics are a composite of individual orthophotos, basically of the central portions of each orthophoto. As a result, the tilt in the mosaics has been kept as... -
Aerial Imagery 2012 25cm infrared
The orthophoto mosaics are a composite of individual infrared orthophotos, basically of the central portions of each orthophoto. As a result, the tilt in the mosaics has been... -
Mural wall
The data was collected in the context of the Cultural History project on the Oosterscheldedijken (CZO) -
THANKS -Use and need of fresh water for various functions: Locations of drink...
The map gives a picture of the drinking water intake points from the surface water. A distinction is made between points where it is absorbed directly from the surface water and... -
Walcheren tax levies, wedding money (1704-1706)
Taxation of resorts in Walcheren, double 100 pennies -
Signaling card ext. safety transp. and pool fire attention area roads
The purpose of the signaling map is to offer spatial planning staff a helping hand to determine whether external safety is an issue in an area for which a spatial plan or... -
Vulnerability to oxidation of organic matter
The Province of Utrecht has drawn up an amendment banning tearing and plowing in the Peat Areas. This has been laid down in the Provincial Spatial Structural Vision and the... -
LGN5: Aggregation by main class
LGN5 aggregated by main class (water, nature, built-up area, etc) -
Exportvergunning (IMH-ESG)
An overview of export licenses issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. -
Difference lowest desired and lowest reference groundwater level (current sit...
Difference between the lowest sectoral groundwater status (current situation) and the reference groundwater level. -
The source for historical cemeteries is again Guide to Dutch garden and landscape architecture (vol. Zeeland et al.). For specimens after 1850, see MIP inventories. Before 1850... -
Stops express tram Utrecht - Nieuwegein/IJsselstein (SUNIJ)
Tram system in the municipality of Utrecht and Nieuwegein and IJsselstein. The express tram was built in the 1980s to provide access to the growth centers / dormitory towns. -
suitable as a berth for ships, natural or dug water basin that provides shelter from wind and waves. The simplest form consists of no more than an unloading quay. Many ports in... -
Interim Environmental Ordinance, Attention Zone Quiet Area
Particularly activities outside the quiet area can also affect the peace and quiet to be pursued, for example holding events. To this end, a quiet area attention zone has been... -
Nature management plan 2022 - Management area
The Nature Management Plan for the Province of Utrecht 2022 defines the boundaries of the management types on the basis of the Nature and Landscape Index. For the nature... -
Natuurbeheerplan 2021 - Categorie water
Het zoekgebied voor waterbeheerdiensten wordt weergegeven in de categorie water, analoog aan de leefgebieden voor natuurdoelen. Beheertypen Categorie Water is per beheergebied... -
RES zoekgebieden zon- en windenergie
In de regionale energie strategieën (RES) zijn zoekgebieden gedefinieerd waar wind en zonne-energie ontwikkeld kunnen worden. Dit willen we als provincie inzichtelijk maken op... -
Isohypsen gemiddelde stijghoogte watervoerend pakket 2
Lijnen van gelijke grondwaterstijghoogte in watervoerend pakket 2. Weergave in meter ten op zichte van NAP, 25 cm afstand. Gemiddelde situatie periode 2009 - 2020. -
MIP gebieden
beschrijving van de kenmerken van waardevolle stedenbouwkundige gebieden (ensembles) door de Provincie Zeeland uit de periode 1850-1945 -
Gevoelige bestemmingen PM10 - wegverkeer
De belasting PM10 (Jaargemiddelde PM10-concentratie in microgram/m3) als gevolg van wegen is vertaald naar GES (gezondheidseffectscreening)-contouren. De gevoelige bestemmingen...