muurtjes van betonnen systeemelementen, genoemd naar ir. jonkheer De Muralt. Het relatief goedkope, grondbesparende systeem diende als dijkverhoging en is tussen 1906 en 1935 op... -
Rijksgrenspaal, steen
(stenen) paal of rechthoekige steen die de Nederlandese rijksgrens markeert. In Zeeland komen rijksgrenspalen voor op de grens Nederland - België in Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen en... -
Voorgestelde snelheidslimieten
Deze kaart is het resultaat van het afwegingskader van het Netwerkperspectief Provinciale Wegen 2040 (aangevuld met bestaande afwijkende regimesnelheden). Te zien zijn de... -
Transport devices
Accidents involving hazardous substances involve a major accident on a company site. A substance is a hazardous substance when it is toxic, flammable or explosive, or has a... -
Dubbele 100 penning (1704-1808)
Belastingheffing van resorten walcheren dubbele 100 penning -
LGN4 changes from LGN3
The LGN4 changes file is a raster file with a resolution of 25 meters. This file indicates the places where changes in land use took place in the period 1995-2000. -
Zeeland has a number of castle settlements that originated under the influence of the presence of a castle from the Carolingian period. It is a circular castle surrounded by an... -
CORINE: Changes in land use in the Netherlands between 2000 and 2006
CORINE Land Cover change (2000-2006) database of the Netherlands An increasing need for factual and quantitative information on the state of the environment of DG Environment,... -
Key Register Large-Scale Topography (BGT)
The BGT, Key Register of Large Scale Topography, will be the detailed large-scale basic map (digital map) of the whole of the Netherlands, in which the location of all physical... -
Regional division Implementation strategy for rural areas (ULG)
Regional division Implementation strategy for the rural area (ULG) division into Utrecht East and Utrecht West. -
The data was collected in the context of the Cultural History project on the Oosterscheldedijken (CZO) -
Economic feasibility of solar heat for small consumers
The economic feasibility (profitability) is defined as the maximum permitted price minus transport costs and cost of heat from the relevant source. To determine the economic... -
The data was collected in the context of the Cultural History project on the Oosterscheldedijken (CZO) -
Legally protected monuments municipality of Hulst
Legally protected monuments municipality of Hulst -
Geothermal opportunities map
The map shows the expected capacity (P50) in megawatts for a geothermal energy installation (doublet) based on conventional drilling techniques and the 'Rotliegend' as a... -
Soil suitability map - cumulative peat thickness
This map shows the cumulative thickness of the peat layers in the Holocene subsoil in meters. This information was used to determine the suitability of the subsoil in the... -
Cultural-historical Atlas Province of Utrecht (CHAT) - points
Digital cultural-historical atlas of the Province of Utrecht (CHAT). This dataset contains the cultural-historical data managed by the Province of Utrecht. See also... -
BGT - Source Holders Limit theme layer
Selection of the source holder boundary from the Key Register of Large-Scale Topography. -
Outdoor places
The dataset contains the boundaries of the nationally protected country estates of which the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands has made an accurate digital boundary. -
Landscape plan Walcheren (line)
planting, mainly along roads, laid out according to the landscape plan of N.M. de Jonge at the reparcelling of Walcheren (1946 and later).