Nature management plan 2015, search area Nature Network Netherlands (NNN)
This map layer is part of the Boundary map file. This map was published on 7 October 2014, document/number 345033/473730 by the Provincial Executive of North Holland as part of... -
Draft Nature Management Plan 2017, boundary map Nature Network Netherlands (NNN)
This map layer is part of the Boundary map file. This map was published on 17 May 2016, document/number 773831/773838 by the Provincial Executive of North Holland as part of the... -
Nature management plan, Nature Network Brabant with subdivision
This dataset is composed of different map layers from the Nature Management Plan that was adopted on: see Revision date field. It consists of 5 parts: (1) the NNB (Natuur... -
Nature management plan, Existing nature, Enclaves
In the nature management plan, the category Existing_nature_Enclave exists. These are plots in the Nature Network Brabant (NNB), which are not yet nature areas and where... -
Nature Management Plan 2016, Nature Connections
This map layer is part of the Boundary map file. This map was adopted by the Provincial Executive of North Holland on April 21, 2015, document/number 585532/585544 as part of... -
Draft Nature Management Plan 2018, Nature Connections
This map layer is part of the Boundary map file. This map was adopted by the Provincial Executive of North Holland on 6 June 2017, document/number 934521/934522 as part of the... -
Proposal map adjustment assignment new nature
The New Nature category in the nature management plan has been checked with regard to realization data (acquisition/change of function and layout) from the Nature Progress... -
Nature management plan 2015, boundary map Nature Network Netherlands (NNN)
This map layer is part of the Boundary map file. This map was published on 7 October 2014, document/number 345033/473730 by the Provincial Executive of North Holland as part of... -
This file is about the landscape structure. This structure is formed by characteristic areas of great value for the landscape. The landscape structure is made up of two parts:...- https://data.overheid.nl/format/unknown
- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/HTML
- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/WFS_SRVC
- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/WMS_SRVC
- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/JPEG
Nature management plan 2017, search area Nature Network Netherlands (NNN)
This map layer is part of the Boundary map file. This map was published on 27 September 2016, document/number 816248/836558 by the Provincial Executive of North Holland as part... -
Nature Management Plan 2018, Nature Connections
This map layer is part of the Boundary map file. This map was adopted by the Provincial Executive of North Holland on 3 October 2017, document/number 934521/982203 as part of... -
Draft Nature Management Plan 2017, search area Nature Network Netherlands (NNN)
This map layer is part of the Boundary map file. This map was published on 17 May 2016, document/number 773831/773838 by the Provincial Executive of North Holland as part of the... -
Draft Nature Management Plan 2018, boundary map Nature Network Netherlands (NNN)
This map layer is part of the Boundary map file. This map was published on 6 June 2017, document/number 934521/934522 by the Provincial Executive of North Holland as part of the... -
Nature management plan 2015, search area Nature Network Netherlands (NNN)
This map layer is part of the Boundary map file. This map was published on 7 October 2014, document/number 345033/473730 by the Provincial Executive of North Holland as part of... -
Natuurbeheerplan 2016, begrenzingenkaart Natuurnetwerk Nederland (NNN)
Deze kaartlaag vormt onderdeel van het bestand van de Begrenzingenkaart. Deze kaart is op 21 april 2015, document/nummer 585532/585544 door Gedeputeerde Staten van Noord-Holland... -
Natuurbeheerplan 2017, begrenzingenkaart Natuurnetwerk Nederland (NNN)
Deze kaartlaag vormt onderdeel van het bestand van de Begrenzingenkaart. Deze kaart is op 27 september 2016, document/nummer 816248/836558 door Gedeputeerde Staten van... -
Ontwerp Natuurbeheerplan 2018, zoekgebied Natuurnetwerk Nederland (NNN)
Deze kaartlaag vormt onderdeel van het bestand van de Begrenzingenkaart. Deze kaart is op 6 juni 2017, document/nummer 934521/934522 door Gedeputeerde Staten van Noord-Holland...