Data on groundwater level research (Groundwater level data in English) are stored in the basic registration subsoil (BRO). The groundwater level investigation registration... -
Environmental vision - Groundwater fluctuation zone
In a zone around the Veluwe massif, on the east side of the lateral moraine of Nijmegen and a zone along the Randmeren, there is a (narrow) zone that is extra sensitive to... -
Absence boulder clay (bores)
Locations of drillings where no boulder clay has been found in Drenthe. -
Groundwater level measuring points
Gives the locations of the measuring points of the primary measuring network for groundwater levels. -
Thickness of boulder clay package
Thickness of the boulder clay package in Drenthe, in metres. -
Hydraulic resistance of boulder clay
Hydraulic resistance (c-value), in days, of boulder clay in Drenthe. This is a measure of the resistance this layer offers to vertical groundwater flow. -
This file contains the points file of the groundwater quantity monitoring network. The groundwater quantity measurement network is set up to measure groundwater levels twice a... -
Hydrology- Isohypses Average Spring Groundwater Level 1st WVP
The file contains the Isohypses (lines of equal groundwater level) of the Average Spring Groundwater Level and was created by NITG/TNO in the context of the Regional... -
A monitoring well is a pipe with one perforated part, which is placed in the soil to determine the rise height of the groundwater (both in the phreatic surface and at deeper... -
Soil Settlement Sensitivity
The file contains the degree of settlement sensitivity of the soil of Gelderland. Settlement is the process by which soil is compressed under the influence of a load. Water and... -
Soil Lithological map
The file with the global structure of the top 10 meters of the soil in seventeen profile types (lithological units). Example profile type: M = sand and gravel. Lithology... -
Vertical permeability boulder clay
Vertical permeability (k-value), in meters per day, of boulder clay in Drenthe. The vertical permeability is a measure of the ease with which water can flow through this layer. -
Depth of the bottom of the boulder clay (relative to ground level)
Depth of the bottom (base) of boulder clay in Drenthe, in meters relative to ground level. -
Depth of bottom boulder clay (relative to NAP)
Depth of the bottom (base) of boulder clay in Drenthe, in meters relative to NAP. -
Depth at the top of the boulder clay (relative to ground level)
Depth of the top (top) of boulder clay in Drenthe, in meters relative to ground level. -
Possible occurrence of boulder clay
This is the maximum limit (spread) of boulder clay in Drenthe. Outside the boundary of the boulder clay on this map, the boulder clay is not present. Within the boundaries of... -
Depth at the top of the boulder clay (relative to NAP)
Depth of the top (top) of boulder clay in Drenthe, in meters relative to NAP. -
Top-gebied verdroging (Omgevingsvisie 2014) (historie)
Door Provinciale Staten van Drenthe op 2 juli 2014 vastgestelde versie van Top-gebied verdroging.Gebieden waar prioriteit wordt gegeven aan de aanpak van de verdroging van... -
Water- Meetnet- Grondwaterkwantiteit- Selectie
Het bestand geeft de selectie Meetnet Grondwater weer. Het betreft hier een continue registratie van grondwaterstanden op 17 locaties binnen de provincie Gelderland. -
Voorkomen keileem (boringen)
Locaties van boringen waar keileem in Drenthe is aangetroffen.