Progetto Arca Provincia di Prato - Specie vegetali
Progetto di informatizzazione e georeferimento dei dati sulle specie animali e vegetali protette della Provincia di Prato, finalizzato alla diffusione pubblica dei dati ed... -
Ark Project Province of Prato - Bats
Computerization and geo-referencing project of data on protected animal and plant species in the Province of Prato, aimed at the public dissemination of data and the... -
Ark Project Province of Prato - Amphibians and reptiles
Computerization and geo-referencing project of data on protected animal and plant species in the Province of Prato, aimed at the public dissemination of data and the... -
Ark Project Province of Prato - Fish and crustaceans
Computerization and geo-referencing project of data on protected animal and plant species in the Province of Prato, aimed at the public dissemination of data and the... -
Ark Project Province of Prato - Insects
Computerization and geo-referencing project of data on protected animal and plant species in the Province of Prato, aimed at the public dissemination of data and the... -
WiFi access points in the Province of Prato
Wifi access points in the provincial territory, the various accesses are punctual and both those in operation and those foreseen, but not yet installed, are reported -
Ark Project Province of Prato - Habitat
Computerization and geo-referencing project of the Habitats of the Province of Prato protected under the law L.R.T. 56/2000, attachment A -
water derivation concessions - Province of Prato
Water derivation points classified according to type (surface or underground) and use -
Ark Project Province of Prato - Molluscs
Computerization and geo-referencing project of data on protected animal and plant species in the Province of Prato, aimed at the public dissemination of data and the... -
Ark Project Province of Prato - Birdlife
Computerization and geo-referencing project of data on protected animal and plant species in the Province of Prato, aimed at the public dissemination of data and the...