Population: residents by citizenship and municipality
The dataset contains the master data of the resident population broken down by year (as of 31/12), age, gender, citizenship and municipality (former decentralization area).... -
Population: residents by citizenship and neighbourhood
The dataset contains the master data of the resident population broken down by year (as of 31/12). Warning: We recommend importing downloaded files using statistical packages or... -
Population: births by neighbourhood
The data refer to live births residing in Milan by year of birth. Births are stratified according to variables relating to the newborn: gender, type of birth (single or twin),... -
Cultural history - Protected town and village views (inventory)
This file contains an inventory of town and village views with their characteristics. This inventory also includes the objects from the Monuments Selection Project (MSP). -
DBTL - Digital orthophotos (Zelo Buon Persico Town Hall)
Digital orthophotos of urbanized areas, produced by the Topographic Database. Orthophotos are available both as a WMS service and as individual files (GeoTIFF) for download. -
Town Planning Regulations
The Urban Planning Regulation of the Municipality of Siena was adopted with Resolution C.C. n.131 of 05.18.2010 and approved with Resolution C.C. n.2 of 01.24.2011. The dataset... -
Citizens' reports on land consumption - Dataset
Since 2014, an experimental reporting activity has been launched by citizens, through mobile devices, of presumed areas where a territorial transformation likely to cause new... -
Agglomerations ATO Province of Milan
Legislative Decree 152/06 and subsequent amendments defines agglomeration as "the area in which the population, i.e. the productive activities, are concentrated to an extent... -
DBTR - Building (Basement) - (EDI_GPGSA)
It is a partition of the building obtained on the basis of the different building typologies, introducing either architectural dividers or cadastral type dividers. (Subarea). -
Zoning in landscape plans -
Decayed buildings and areas
Mapping launched in 2014 of unused and run-down private properties in the Municipality of Milan. Dedicated web page on the institutional portal:... -
Urban gardens in the Municipality of Milan
The dataset contains the list of equipped urban gardens that favor a constructive use of free time and contribute to the redevelopment of abandoned urban areas. The downloadable... -
Urban green - Year 2019
The dataset shows the types of areas (natural areas, parks, urban gardens, etc) the type of management and the square footage of urban greenery within the Municipality of Milan... -
Projections - Households by municipality - low scenario
The dataset shows the projections of deaths for the years 2020-2039, broken down by municipality. The projections have been defined using statistical models which allow for some... -
Survey of quality of service year 2022 - Requests for surveys of building files
The dataset contains the details of the answers () to the questionnaire for surveying the satisfaction of users who use the online service for requesting company records and... -
Fairway Information bridges (points)
A construction, whether or not movable, across a waterway or port for road traffic, rail traffic and/or other traffic (cyclists, pedestrians, etc.).- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/MAP_SRVC
- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/MAP_PRVW
- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/WMS_SRVC
- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/WFS_SRVC
- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/CSV
- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/GML
- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/JSON
- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/KML
- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/ZIP
- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/JPEG
Land use boundaries 2015 Province of North Brabant
This file is a collection of all project boundaries in the context of Estafette. The limits mentioned are the limits of the 19 projects that will be transferred to the province... -
Business parks statistical information
This table is used to link to IBIS business parks (ECON.BTK_25_IBBT_V). This table contains a summation of the number of jobs and establishments per business park. For privacy... -
Building year (BAG)
The year of construction of buildings from the BAG is shown here. -
Connected Open Space Areas - state 2013
In the Spatial Report 2018, the open space in Flanders was described as the areas that are located outside the cores and are not occupied by space. The nuclei were completely...