Geographical names (INSPIRE harmonised) WMS
INSPIRE Geographic Names theme layer, harmonised, filled with relevant objects from TOP10NL (part of the Key Register Topography (BRT)), produced and managed by Kadaster. It is... -
Statistical data - Statistical zones - WMS geo-service
The Web Map Service displays the statistical data of the Population themed on the statistical areas of the municipal territory. Please refer to the consultation of the connected... -
Sections of the 2011 Census (REST - WMS)
Census Sections 2011 - REST Map Service - WMS. The attribute table contains the following information: -
Maritime boundaries - baseline North Sea - Viewservice
Baseline of the Dutch coast for the North Sea, this is the basis for the line at 1 Nautical Mile (M) from the baseline of the Dutch coast, line at 3 Nautical Mile (M) from the... -
Loop - WIBON data from GIS
Detection loops in the management of the province of Utrecht. Because loops are sometimes under the pavement, they are no longer visible above ground, which is why they are... -
Municipality of Koggenland Public WMS / WFS Server
Municipality of Koggenland Public WMS / WFS Server -
Air Quality - View Service
Visualization service of Air Quality data produced as dataset B and D for AQD reporting - Directive 2008/50/EC. -
OMI Zones - WMS Geo-Service
The Web Map Service for consulting the subdivisions of the OMI Zones allows you to view the elements of the zones within the entire municipal territory and to consult the... -
WMS Service Regional Landscape Plan 1990
The service dynamically produces the map of the Regional Landscape Plan ed. 1990.