Groundwater protection (Environmental vision 2014) (history)
Version of Groundwater Protection adopted by the Provincial Council of Drenthe on 2 July 2014. The designated protection areas around groundwater extraction for drinking water... -
Hunze water harvesting area (Environmental vision 2014) (history)
Version of Hunze Water Harvest Area adopted by the Provincial Council of Drenthe on 2 July 2014. Area where groundwater can be extracted, whereby the extraction is compensated... -
Grens verbodzone diepe boringen (Omgevingsvisie 2014) (historie)
Door Provinciale Staten van Drenthe op 2 juli 2014 vastgestelde versie van Grens verbodzone diepe boringen.Zone rond grondwateronttrekkingen voor de drinkwatervoorziening...