IKN National Park
This map is a copy for the Nature Information Map (IKN). The 2022 Environmental Vision was adopted by the Provincial Council of Drenthe on 28 September 2022. The National Parks... -
Low-flying route defense (OGV, 2010) (history)
This file shows the low-flying route of Defense as shown in the Environmental Vision, map 8a (search area for large-scale wind energy) adopted by the Provincial Council of... -
Openness in landscape types road villages of low peat reclamation peat coloni...
The Provincial Council of Drenthe adopted the Environmental Vision on 2 June 1970. Map 2B (Landscape) shows the openness in landscape types and road villages of low peat... -
Repository area (Environmental vision 2014) (history)
Version of storage area adopted by the Provincial Council of Drenthe on 2 July 2014. Designated areas for water storage that have been included as dual use in addition to the... -
LOFAR (Environmental vision 2014) (history)
Version of LOFAR adopted by the Provincial Council of Drenthe on July 2, 2014. In recent years, ASTRON has built a new radio telescope: LOFAR (Low Frequency Array). LOFAR... -
Groundwater body (Environmental vision 2014) (history)
Version of Groundwater Body.Groundwater within the Nedereems, Rhine-North and Rhine-East river basins of the Water Framework Directive adopted by the Provincial Council of... -
Test of expected archaeological values in the Drentse Aa area and Havelterb...
Version adopted by the Provincial Council on 2 July 2014 of Test of expected archaeological values in the Drentse Aa area and Havelterberg. In areas or terrains with an... -
Emmen Zoo (OGV, 2010) (history)
Version adopted by the Provincial Council on 2 June 2010 of the location of the (future) Emmen Zoo, because of its function as a (inter)national attraction. The location of the... -
Beekdalen (function classification) (OGV, 2010) (history)
On 2 June 2010, the Provincial Council adopted the Environmental Vision. The stream valleys are indicated on maps 1 and 10. The systems of water, nature and agriculture are... -
Veenterp, value (OGV, 2010) (history)
This map shows the value of the peat bog as included in map 2E (Archaeology) of the Environmental Vision adopted by the Provincial Council of Drenthe on 2 June 2010. -
Geological value, protection level (OGV, 2010) (history)
On 2 June 2010, the Provincial Council adopted the Environmental Vision in which the protection level of the geological value is indicated on map 2D as part of the core... -
Heart of Drenthe (OGV, 2010) (history)
This file represents the extra desire for nature in the heart of Drenthe, as shown in the Environmental Vision, map 4, adopted by the Provincial Council of Drenthe on 2 June 2010. -
HOV line (OGV, 2010) (history)
The province of Drenthe wants the Drenthe cities to develop further as links in the (inter)national economic network. High-quality accessibility of the cities, by road and... -
Landschapspanorama (OGV, 2010) (story)
This file represents the landscape panorama as shown in the Environmental Vision, map 1 (Visiekaart) adopted by the Provincial Council of Drenthe on June 2, 2010 -
Es (Environmental vision 2014) (history)
Version of Es. adopted by the Provincial Council of Drenthe on 2 July 2014. Preserving and strengthening the characteristic features of, among other things, the esdorpen/es... -
Spanish cemetery, value (OGV, 2010) (history)
This file represents the value of the Spanish cemetery as stated in the Environmental Vision, map 2E (Archaeology), adopted by the Provincial Council on 2 June 2010. -
Robust connection national network (OGV, 2010) (history)
This file represents the robust national network connection as in the Environmental Vision, Map 1 (Visiekaart) adopted by the Provincial Council on 2 June 2010. -
Urgent location for soil (remediation) (Environmental Vision 2014) (history)
Version of Urgent Location Soil (Remediation) adopted by the Provincial Council of Drenthe on 2 July 2014. This map shows the urgent locations for soil remediation. There are... -
TT Circuit (Environmental vision 2014) (history)
Version of TT Circuit adopted by the Provincial Council of Drenthe on July 2, 2014. The TT circuit in Assen is of great importance from an economic, recreational, sporting and... -
Emmen Zoo (Environmental Vision 2014) (history)
Version of Emmen Zoo adopted by the Provincial Council of Drenthe on July 2, 2014. With the Zoo, Emmen has a national recreational crowd puller. The relocation of the Zoo offers...