Covid-19 reporting of SARS-CoV-2 variants in the Netherlands through the rand...
For English, see below This file contains the following numbers: - Number per VOC, VOI and VUM detected per week - Total number of measurements, the denominator, per weekly... -
Covid-19 tests administered by appointment date and safety region
This file contains: - The total number of Covid-19 tests administered by the GGDs of which the results are known and the number of positive tests per day by security region of... -
New and rejected wet cooling towers
On this map you see wet cooling towers with the following two statuses: 1. Newly registered wet cooling towers that have not yet been checked 2. Registered wet cooling towers... -
National Radioactivity Monitoring Network: environmental dose equivalent rate...
This is a data source under investigation. The link to the data is not yet available. The data owner is investigating whether the data can be made available as open data. -
Covid-19 National SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Surveillance Safety Region values b...
This file contains per Safety Region (VR), per day, the average number of SARS-CoV-2 virus particles per 100,000 inhabitants, as calculated from measurements of the number of... -
Particulate matter 2017 (pm2.5)
This map shows the modeled concentration of particulate matter (µg pm2.5/m³) for 2017 based on calculation points from the NSL monitoring tool. This flat-covering map of the... -
Roet (EC) 2019
This map shows the modeled concentration of soot (µg EC/m³) for 2019, based on calculation points from the NSL's monitoring tool. This flat-covering map of the Netherlands has a... -
Nitrogen Dioxide 2019 (NO2)
This map shows the modeled concentration of nitrogen dioxide (µg NO2/m³) for 2019 based on calculation points from the NSL monitoring tool. This flat-covering map of the... -
Nitrogen Dioxide 2020 (NO2)
This map shows the modeled concentration of nitrogen dioxide (µg NO2/m³) for 2020 based on calculation points from the NSL's monitoring tool. This flat-covering map of the... -
Covid-19 reproductiegetal
For English, see below The reproduction number R gives the average number of people infected by one person with COVID-19. To estimate this reproduction number, we use the number... -
Barium in the subsoil (30-50 cm) in various land use-soil type combinations
What can be seen: Barium content (Relative to median) for subsoil (30-50cm) for 4 land use-soil type combinations in the Netherlands. Explanation: There is currently no standard... -
Indicators Children (Health)
Description Utrecht in Figures is the online database of the municipality of Utrecht. Here the Research & Advice department publishes figures about the city of Utrecht and... -
Roet (EC) 2013
This map shows the modeled concentration of soot (µg EC/m³) for 2013, based on calculation points from the NSL's monitoring tool. This flat-covering map of the Netherlands has a... -
Particulate matter 2016 (pm2.5)
This map shows the modeled concentration of particulate matter (µg pm2.5/m³) for 2016 based on calculation points from the NSL's monitoring tool. This flat-covering map of the... -
Covid-19 cumulative numbers by municipality
For English, see below Nederland heeft voor het SARS-CoV-2 virus (coronavirus) een endemische fase bereikt en de GGD teststraten zijn per 17 maart 2023 gesloten. Daardoor wordt... -
Covid-19 statistics individuals aged 70 and older living outside an instituti...
For English, see below As of 1 January 2023, RIVM will no longer collect additional information. As a result, from January 1, 2023, we will no longer report data on infections... -
Particulate matter 2019 (PM2.5)
This map shows the modeled concentration of particulate matter (µg PM2.5/m³) for 2019 based on calculation points from the NSL monitoring tool. This flat-covering map of the... -
Nitrogen dioxide 2013 (NO2)
This map shows the modeled concentration of nitrogen dioxide (µg NO2/m³) for 2013 based on calculation points from the NSL's monitoring tool. This flat-covering map of the... -
Covid-19 setting of possible infection of persons with a positive test result...
For English, see below From July 6, 2022, the GGD will ask a modified set of questions to people with a positive test result for SARS-CoV-2. Among other things, the setting of... -
Number of children per km2 in older nurseries
The map shows the number of children per km2 that stay in older day care centers and are therefore possibly exposed to more lead. Before 1945, lead drinking water pipes were...