Nature management plan 2024 - Climate search area
File indicates in which areas compensation can be provided for climate services for climate goals through agricultural nature and landscape management. Zones to temporarily... -
Evaporation - KNMI14 Daily Makkink evaporation 2085 WL
KNMI14 daily scenario data: 2085 WL. Gridded files of daily Makkink evaporation in the Netherlands. Based on 14 automatic weather stations. -
Evaporation - historic gridded daily Makkink evaporation for the Netherlands ...
Historic gridded files of daily Makkink evaporation for 1910-2015 in the Netherlands. Calculated from sunshine duration (1951-1981) and radiation (1981-2015). The number of... -
Precipitation - Long term average 1981-2010 - Yearly precipitation surplus
Gridded files of average yearly precipitation surplus per year in the Netherlands. Based on 304 precipitation observations of the voluntary network and 20 Makkink evaporation... -
KNMI UV-polarisation lidar Ascension Island initiative (ASCII) campaign data
A ground-based UV-polarisation lidar was deployed to infer cloud droplet sizes and droplet number concentrations near the cloud base of cumulus clouds over Ascension Island. The... -
Temperature - gridded daily minimum temperature in the Netherlands
Gridded files of daily minimum temperature in the Netherlands. Based on 33 -35 automatic weather stations of the KNMI. -
Precipitation - Long term average 1981-2010 - Average yearly precipitation
Gridded files of average yearly precipitation in the Nehterlands. Measured on +- 300 locations of the voluntary network. -
Evaporation - historic gridded daily Makkink evaporation for the Netherlands ...
Historic gridded files of daily Makkink evaporation for 1910-1980 in the Netherlands. Calculated from sunshine duration measured on 5 weather stations. -
EURADCLIM: The European climatological gauge-adjusted radar precipitation dat...
The European climatological gauge-adjusted radar precipitation dataset, EURADCLIM, addresses the need for an accurate (sub-)daily precipitation product covering 8000000 square... -
Precipitation - historic gridded daily precipitation sum in the Netherlands f...
Historic gridded files of daily precipitation sum in the Netherlands from 1910-2015 based on observations of the voluntary network. The time interval is 08:00-08:00 UT. The... -
Wind - model time series from 2014 to August 2019 at 10-200 meters above the ...
The KNW (KNMI North Sea Wind) atlas is based on the ERA-Interim reanalyses dataset which captures more than 40 years (January 1979 - August 2019) of meteorological measurements... -
Temperature - Long term average 1981-2010 - Average yearly maximum temperature
Gridded files of average yearly maximum temperature in the Netherlands over the period 1981-2010 (normal period). Based on 28 automatic weather stations. -
Evaporation - KNMI14 Daily Makkink evaporation: reference 1981-2010
Gridded files of daily Makkink evaporation in the Netherlands. Based on 14 automatic weather stations. Used as reference dataset for KNMI'14 gridded scenariodata.. -
Dutch Offshore Wind Atlas - daily files at 10-600 meter height of all 2,5 km ...
This dataset contains an extension for 2018 of the the Dutch Offshore Wind Atlas (DOWA). DOWA is validated wind climatology (and information on temperature, pressure and... -
Evaporation - KNMI14 Daily Makkink evaporation 2050 WL
KNMI14 daily scenario data: 2050 WL. Gridded files of daily Makkink evaporation in the Netherlands. Based on 14 automatic weather stations. -
Precipitation - gridded daily precipitation sum in the Netherlands
Gridded files of daily precipitation sum in the Netherlands measured on +- 300 locations of the voluntary network from 08:00-08:00 UT. Grids are calculated based on validated... -
Temperature - Long term average 1981-2010 - Average monthly temperature
Gridded files of average monthly temperature in the Netherlands over the period 1981-2010 (normal period). Based on 28 automatic weather stations. -
Evaporation - KNMI14 Daily Makkink evaporation 2050 GH
KNMI14 daily scenario data: 2050 GH. Gridded files of daily Makkink evaporation in the Netherlands. Based on 14 automatic weather stations. -
Precipitation - historic gridded daily precipitation sum in the Netherlands f...
Historic gridded files of daily precipitation sum in the Netherlands from 1910-2015 based on observations of the voluntary network. The time interval is 08:00-08:00 UT. The... -
Wind - model statistics for 1979-2013 at 10-200 meters above the North Sea - ...
The KNW (KNMI North Sea Wind) atlas is based on the ERA-Interim reanalyses dataset which captures more than 40 years (January 1979 - August 2019) of meteorological measurements...