This is a combination of the following datasets: * Events 2011-2016 * Events 2016 * Events 2017 * Events 2018 * Events 2019 * Events 2020 * Events 2021 * Events 2022 * Events... -
MBO participants per institution, location, type of MBO, municipality of resi...
The number of MBO participants over the past 5 years per institution, board (competent authority), place and municipality of the institution and type of MBO (combination of... -
Welfare facilities in Utrecht. This dataset contains the following data per object: - location name; - organization; - address; - Postal Code; - neighbourhood; - neighbourhood;... -
Municipal Monuments Schiedam
Description: All municipal monuments registered by the municipality. * Source: Partly the municipal registration in the context of the Wkpb, partly the established monument... -
Public Space in Images - Perception Survey 2012
Research into the quality of public space among the inhabitants of the municipality of Hollands Kroon in 2012 -
VO Addresses of competent authorities - Ministry of Education, Culture and Sc...
The address details of the competent authorities (school boards) in secondary education. The data consists of business address, correspondence address, denomination and... -
Public Space in Images - Perception Survey 2014
Public Space in Images - Perception Survey 2014 -
Accountability information housing associations (dVi2015-hfd5)
Accountability information housing associations (chapter 5 dVi). -
Competent authorities for special (primary) education - Ministry of Education...
The address details of competent authorities (school boards) in special primary education and (secondary) special education. The data consists of business and correspondence... -
VO Pupils per board and denomination (vavo separately) - Ministry of Educatio...
The number of students per competent authority (school board) and denomination. A distinction is made between regular pupils and pupils outsourced to adult education (so-called... -
Annual accounts data school boards MBO
Financial statements of MBO school boards. -
Lowest wages 2019
dataset with data on lowest wages 2019. This study looked at the lowest wages in the lowest wage scales in collective labor agreements in relation to the Wml. -
Annual figures Arnhem 2017 Arnhem
This excel file is a raw dump of the data used for the realization of the annual papers of 2017 of municipality of Arnhem. -
Overview of authorized products in the Pesticide Database
As an independent administrative body, the Board for the Authorization of Plant Protection Products and Biocides is responsible for the authorization of plant protection... -
Corrected growth in health care expenditure 2017-2022 status OW 2020
Corrected growth in health care expenditure 2017-2022 status OW 2020 -
Housing costs households
Dataset on housing costs of households in Utrecht in 2015. -
Netherlands Patent Register
In the Dutch patent register you will find information about the status of patents, such as the date of grant, the validity of the patent, changes in the patent procedure,... -
Accountability information housing corporations (dVi2015 -hfd4)
Accountability information housing associations (chapter 4 dVi). -
Personnel funding of primary schools
A number of basic data on which the regular personnel funding of primary schools is based, with corresponding amounts. In addition, the amounts for the performance box and... -
Budget 2016: program linked to general ledger number (fcl)
In this database you will find the programs from the 2016 budget linked to the general ledger number.