Sky View Factor of The Netherlands
An important variable to calculate local temperatures is the Sky View Factor (SVF) which is the fraction of sky visible from the ground. The SVF depends on the height of the... -
Budget and results of the municipality and city districts
Financial data of the municipality and city districts are published via Openspending.nl. The OpenSpending platform of the Open State Foundation makes it possible to digitally... -
Stichtse Vecht Municipal elections 2014
List of the 2014 Municipal Council Elections by polling station and party level. Detailed description: -----------------------------------------------... -
Soil protection, high-risk activity (history)
Sub-areas for the purpose of inventorying high-risk activities in the context of soil protection. -
Airport locations (points)
In this file, the locations of regional civil airports in Overijssel are displayed by means of points. It concerns the following four locations: Heliport De Koperen Hoogte,...- https://data.overheid.nl/format/unknown
- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/HTML
- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/WFS_SRVC
- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/WMS_SRVC
- http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/JPEG
Ammonia and Livestock Farming Areas Act - Provinces (INSPIRE harmonised)
WAV areas are very vulnerable areas according to the Ammonia and Livestock Farming Act. These are areas, or parts thereof, that are sensitive to acidification and are located... -
GDP, output and expenditures; changes, QNA, 1995-2017
This table provides data from Quarterly National Accounts (QNA) of Statistics The Netherlands. It contains quarterly and annual data on production, expenditures, income and... -
Higher education: labor market position of full-time graduates
This table contains data on the labor market position of higher education graduates according to: - major; - sex; - age; - origin group; - periods; - polling moments. Data... -
AERIUS terrain roughness and land use (historical archive)
This web service contains the terrain roughness and land use as used in the different AERIUS 2021 products of the previous release. -
Groundwater bodies (OGV, 2010) (history)
There are four different groundwater bodies within the provincial border, which must meet good chemical and quantitative status. Water is extracted from these groundwater bodies... -
Orthophoto mosaic Westerschelde 2020
Orthophoto mosaic of the Westerschelde project area made from stereo aerial photos on 23-06-2020 to support the ecotope monitoring program commissioned by WVL -
HISTLAND (Historical landscape information system) contains geographical data about the reclamation history of the Dutch landscape and the extent of change in that landscape. -
Water plant cover IJsselmeer area - Full grown pondweed - 2017
Aquatic plant cover IJsselmeer area. The aquatic plant cover in the IJsselmeer area is monitored every three years. In other words, the aquatic plant cover will be inventoried... -
Population projections in the Center districts
This dataset contains tables with population projections per district in the Centrum district, broken down by age groups. It concerns the neighborhoods Haarlemmerbuurt, Jordaan,... -
Lelystad polling stations
Description : Polling stations of the municipality of Lelystad for the 2021 parliamentary elections * Source : Municipality of Lelystad - Stadswinkel department * Purpose :...